'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var vue = require('vue'); var three = require('three'); var OrbitControls_js = require('three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js'); var RectAreaLightUniformsLib_js = require('three/examples/jsm/lights/RectAreaLightUniformsLib.js'); var RectAreaLightHelper_js = require('three/examples/jsm/helpers/RectAreaLightHelper.js'); var GLTFLoader_js = require('three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js'); var FBXLoader_js = require('three/examples/jsm/loaders/FBXLoader.js'); var EffectComposer_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/EffectComposer.js'); var RenderPass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/RenderPass.js'); var BokehPass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/BokehPass.js'); var FilmPass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/FilmPass.js'); var ShaderPass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/ShaderPass.js'); var FXAAShader_js = require('three/examples/jsm/shaders/FXAAShader.js'); var HalftonePass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/HalftonePass.js'); var SMAAPass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/SMAAPass.js'); var SSAOPass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/SSAOPass.js'); var UnrealBloomPass_js = require('three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/UnrealBloomPass.js'); function useRaycaster(options) { const { camera, resetPosition = new three.Vector3(0, 0, 0) } = options; const raycaster = new three.Raycaster(); const position = resetPosition.clone(); const plane = new three.Plane(new three.Vector3(0, 0, 1), 0); const updatePosition = (coords) => { raycaster.setFromCamera(coords, camera); camera.getWorldDirection(plane.normal); raycaster.ray.intersectPlane(plane, position); }; const intersect = (coords, objects) => { raycaster.setFromCamera(coords, camera); return raycaster.intersectObjects(objects); }; return { position, updatePosition, intersect }; } function usePointer(options) { const { camera, domElement, intersectObjects, touch = true, resetOnEnd = false, resetPosition = new three.Vector2(0, 0), resetPositionV3 = new three.Vector3(0, 0, 0), onEnter = () => { }, onMove = () => { }, onLeave = () => { }, onClick = () => { }, onIntersectEnter = () => { }, onIntersectOver = () => { }, onIntersectMove = () => { }, onIntersectLeave = () => { }, onIntersectClick = () => { } } = options; const position = resetPosition.clone(); const positionN = new three.Vector2(0, 0); const raycaster = useRaycaster({camera}); const positionV3 = raycaster.position; const obj = { position, positionN, positionV3, intersectObjects, listeners: false, addListeners, removeListeners, intersect }; return obj; function reset() { position.copy(resetPosition); positionV3.copy(resetPositionV3); } function updatePosition(event) { let x, y; if (event instanceof TouchEvent && event.touches && event.touches.length > 0) { x = event.touches[0].clientX; y = event.touches[0].clientY; } else { x = event.clientX; y = event.clientY; } const rect = domElement.getBoundingClientRect(); position.x = x - rect.left; position.y = y - rect.top; positionN.x = position.x / rect.width * 2 - 1; positionN.y = -(position.y / rect.height) * 2 + 1; raycaster.updatePosition(positionN); } function intersect() { if (intersectObjects.length) { const intersects = raycaster.intersect(positionN, intersectObjects); const offObjects = [...intersectObjects]; const iMeshes = []; intersects.forEach((intersect2) => { var _a, _b, _c; const {object} = intersect2; const {component} = object.userData; if (object instanceof three.InstancedMesh) { if (iMeshes.indexOf(object) !== -1) return; iMeshes.push(object); } if (!object.userData.over) { object.userData.over = true; const overEvent = {type: "pointerover", over: true, component, intersect: intersect2}; const enterEvent = {...overEvent, type: "pointerenter"}; onIntersectOver(overEvent); onIntersectEnter(enterEvent); (_a = component.onPointerOver) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(component, overEvent); (_b = component.onPointerEnter) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(component, enterEvent); } const moveEvent = {type: "pointermove", component, intersect: intersect2}; onIntersectMove(moveEvent); (_c = component.onPointerMove) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(component, moveEvent); offObjects.splice(offObjects.indexOf(object), 1); }); offObjects.forEach((object) => { var _a, _b; const {component} = object.userData; if (object.userData.over) { object.userData.over = false; const overEvent = {type: "pointerover", over: false, component}; const leaveEvent = {...overEvent, type: "pointerleave"}; onIntersectOver(overEvent); onIntersectLeave(leaveEvent); (_a = component.onPointerOver) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(component, overEvent); (_b = component.onPointerLeave) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(component, leaveEvent); } }); } } function pointerEnter(event) { updatePosition(event); onEnter({type: "pointerenter", position, positionN, positionV3}); } function pointerMove(event) { updatePosition(event); onMove({type: "pointermove", position, positionN, positionV3}); intersect(); } function pointerClick(event) { updatePosition(event); if (intersectObjects.length) { const intersects = raycaster.intersect(positionN, intersectObjects); const iMeshes = []; intersects.forEach((intersect2) => { var _a; const {object} = intersect2; const {component} = object.userData; if (object instanceof three.InstancedMesh) { if (iMeshes.indexOf(object) !== -1) return; iMeshes.push(object); } const event2 = {type: "click", component, intersect: intersect2}; onIntersectClick(event2); (_a = component.onClick) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(component, event2); }); } onClick({type: "click", position, positionN, positionV3}); } function pointerLeave() { if (resetOnEnd) reset(); onLeave({type: "pointerleave"}); } function addListeners() { domElement.addEventListener("mouseenter", pointerEnter); domElement.addEventListener("mousemove", pointerMove); domElement.addEventListener("mouseleave", pointerLeave); domElement.addEventListener("click", pointerClick); if (touch) { domElement.addEventListener("touchstart", pointerEnter); domElement.addEventListener("touchmove", pointerMove); domElement.addEventListener("touchend", pointerLeave); } obj.listeners = true; } function removeListeners() { domElement.removeEventListener("mouseenter", pointerEnter); domElement.removeEventListener("mousemove", pointerMove); domElement.removeEventListener("mouseleave", pointerLeave); domElement.removeEventListener("click", pointerClick); domElement.removeEventListener("touchstart", pointerEnter); domElement.removeEventListener("touchmove", pointerMove); domElement.removeEventListener("touchend", pointerLeave); obj.listeners = false; } } function useThree(params) { const config = { antialias: true, alpha: false, autoClear: true, orbitCtrl: false, pointer: false, resize: false, width: 300, height: 150 }; if (params) { Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]) => { config[key] = value; }); } const size = { width: 1, height: 1, wWidth: 1, wHeight: 1, ratio: 1 }; const beforeRenderCallbacks = []; const intersectObjects = []; const renderer = createRenderer(); const obj = { config, renderer, size, init, dispose, render, renderC, setSize, addIntersectObject, removeIntersectObject }; return obj; function createRenderer() { const renderer2 = new three.WebGLRenderer({canvas: config.canvas, antialias: config.antialias, alpha: config.alpha}); renderer2.autoClear = config.autoClear; return renderer2; } function init() { if (!obj.scene) { console.error("Missing Scene"); return false; } if (!obj.camera) { console.error("Missing Camera"); return false; } if (config.resize) { onResize(); window.addEventListener("resize", onResize); } else if (config.width && config.height) { setSize(config.width, config.height); } initPointer(); if (config.orbitCtrl) { const cameraCtrl = new OrbitControls_js.OrbitControls(obj.camera, obj.renderer.domElement); if (config.orbitCtrl instanceof Object) { Object.entries(config.orbitCtrl).forEach(([key, value]) => { cameraCtrl[key] = value; }); } onBeforeRender(() => { cameraCtrl.update(); }); obj.cameraCtrl = cameraCtrl; } return true; } function initPointer() { let pointerConf = { camera: obj.camera, domElement: obj.renderer.domElement, intersectObjects }; if (config.pointer && config.pointer instanceof Object) { pointerConf = {...pointerConf, ...config.pointer}; } const pointer = obj.pointer = usePointer(pointerConf); if (config.pointer || intersectObjects.length) { pointer.addListeners(); if (pointerConf.intersectMode === "frame") { onBeforeRender(pointer.intersect); } } } function onBeforeRender(cb) { beforeRenderCallbacks.push(cb); } function render() { beforeRenderCallbacks.forEach((c) => c()); obj.renderer.render(obj.scene, obj.camera); } function renderC() { beforeRenderCallbacks.forEach((c) => c()); obj.composer.render(); } function addIntersectObject(o) { if (intersectObjects.indexOf(o) === -1) { intersectObjects.push(o); } if (obj.pointer && !obj.pointer.listeners) { obj.pointer.addListeners(); } } function removeIntersectObject(o) { const i = intersectObjects.indexOf(o); if (i !== -1) { intersectObjects.splice(i, 1); } if (obj.pointer && !config.pointer && intersectObjects.length === 0) { obj.pointer.removeListeners(); } } function dispose() { window.removeEventListener("resize", onResize); if (obj.pointer) obj.pointer.removeListeners(); if (obj.cameraCtrl) obj.cameraCtrl.dispose(); if (obj.renderer) obj.renderer.dispose(); } function onResize() { var _a; if (config.resize === "window") { setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); } else { const elt = obj.renderer.domElement.parentNode; if (elt) setSize(elt.clientWidth, elt.clientHeight); } (_a = config.onResize) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(config, size); } function setSize(width, height) { size.width = width; size.height = height; size.ratio = width / height; obj.renderer.setSize(width, height, false); const camera = obj.camera; if (camera.type === "PerspectiveCamera") { const pCamera = camera; pCamera.aspect = size.ratio; pCamera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } if (camera.type === "OrthographicCamera") { const oCamera = camera; size.wWidth = oCamera.right - oCamera.left; size.wHeight = oCamera.top - oCamera.bottom; } else { const wsize = getCameraSize(); size.wWidth = wsize[0]; size.wHeight = wsize[1]; } } function getCameraSize() { const camera = obj.camera; const vFOV = camera.fov * Math.PI / 180; const h = 2 * Math.tan(vFOV / 2) * Math.abs(camera.position.z); const w = h * camera.aspect; return [w, h]; } } const RendererInjectionKey = Symbol("Renderer"); var Renderer = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Renderer", props: { antialias: Boolean, alpha: Boolean, autoClear: {type: Boolean, default: true}, orbitCtrl: {type: [Boolean, Object], default: false}, pointer: {type: [Boolean, Object], default: false}, resize: {type: [Boolean, String], default: false}, shadow: Boolean, width: String, height: String, xr: Boolean, onReady: Function, onClick: Function }, setup(props) { const initCallbacks = []; const mountedCallbacks = []; const beforeRenderCallbacks = []; const afterRenderCallbacks = []; const resizeCallbacks = []; const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const config = { canvas, antialias: props.antialias, alpha: props.alpha, autoClear: props.autoClear, orbitCtrl: props.orbitCtrl, pointer: props.pointer, resize: props.resize }; if (props.width) config.width = parseInt(props.width); if (props.height) config.height = parseInt(props.height); const three = useThree(config); const renderFn = () => { }; if (props.onClick) { canvas.addEventListener("click", props.onClick); } return { canvas, three, renderer: three.renderer, size: three.size, renderFn, raf: true, initCallbacks, mountedCallbacks, beforeRenderCallbacks, afterRenderCallbacks, resizeCallbacks }; }, computed: { camera: { get: function() { return this.three.camera; }, set: function(camera) { this.three.camera = camera; } }, scene: { get: function() { return this.three.scene; }, set: function(scene) { this.three.scene = scene; } }, composer: { get: function() { return this.three.composer; }, set: function(composer) { this.three.composer = composer; } } }, provide() { return { [RendererInjectionKey]: this }; }, mounted() { var _a; this.$el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.canvas, this.$el); if (this.three.init()) { this.three.config.onResize = (size) => { this.resizeCallbacks.forEach((e) => e({type: "resize", renderer: this, size})); }; this.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = this.shadow; this.renderFn = this.three.composer ? this.three.renderC : this.three.render; this.initCallbacks.forEach((e) => e({type: "init", renderer: this})); (_a = this.onReady) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this, this); if (this.xr) { this.renderer.xr.enabled = true; this.renderer.setAnimationLoop(this.render); } else { requestAnimationFrame(this.renderLoop); } } this.mountedCallbacks.forEach((e) => e({type: "mounted", renderer: this})); }, beforeUnmount() { this.canvas.remove(); this.beforeRenderCallbacks = []; this.afterRenderCallbacks = []; this.raf = false; this.three.dispose(); }, methods: { onInit(cb) { this.addListener("init", cb); }, onMounted(cb) { this.addListener("mounted", cb); }, onBeforeRender(cb) { this.addListener("beforerender", cb); }, offBeforeRender(cb) { this.removeListener("beforerender", cb); }, onAfterRender(cb) { this.addListener("afterrender", cb); }, offAfterRender(cb) { this.removeListener("afterrender", cb); }, onResize(cb) { this.addListener("resize", cb); }, offResize(cb) { this.removeListener("resize", cb); }, addListener(type, cb) { const callbacks = this.getCallbacks(type); callbacks.push(cb); }, removeListener(type, cb) { const callbacks = this.getCallbacks(type); const index = callbacks.indexOf(cb); if (index) callbacks.splice(index, 1); }, getCallbacks(type) { if (type === "init") { return this.initCallbacks; } else if (type === "mounted") { return this.mountedCallbacks; } else if (type === "beforerender") { return this.beforeRenderCallbacks; } else if (type === "afterrender") { return this.afterRenderCallbacks; } else { return this.resizeCallbacks; } }, render(time) { this.beforeRenderCallbacks.forEach((e) => e({type: "beforerender", renderer: this, time})); this.renderFn(); this.afterRenderCallbacks.forEach((e) => e({type: "afterrender", renderer: this, time})); }, renderLoop(time) { if (this.raf) requestAnimationFrame(this.renderLoop); this.render(time); } }, render() { return this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default() : []; }, __hmrId: "Renderer" }); function setFromProp(o, prop) { if (prop instanceof Object) { Object.entries(prop).forEach(([key, value]) => { o[key] = value; }); } } function bindProps(src, props, dst) { props.forEach((prop) => { bindProp(src, prop, dst, prop); }); } function bindProp(src, srcProp, dst, dstProp) { const _dstProp = dstProp || srcProp; const ref = vue.toRef(src, srcProp); if (ref.value instanceof Object) { setFromProp(dst[_dstProp], ref.value); vue.watch(ref, (value) => { setFromProp(dst[_dstProp], value); }, {deep: true}); } else { if (ref.value) dst[_dstProp] = src[srcProp]; vue.watch(ref, (value) => { dst[_dstProp] = value; }); } } function propsValues(props, exclude = []) { const values = {}; Object.entries(props).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (!exclude || exclude && !exclude.includes(key)) { values[key] = value; } }); return values; } function lerp(value1, value2, amount) { amount = amount < 0 ? 0 : amount; amount = amount > 1 ? 1 : amount; return value1 + (value2 - value1) * amount; } function limit(val, min, max) { return val < min ? min : val > max ? max : val; } const MATCAP_ROOT = "https://rawcdn.githack.com/emmelleppi/matcaps/9b36ccaaf0a24881a39062d05566c9e92be4aa0d"; const DEFAULT_MATCAP = "0404E8_0404B5_0404CB_3333FC"; function getMatcapUrl(hash = DEFAULT_MATCAP, format = 1024) { const fileName = `${hash}${getMatcapFormatString(format)}.png`; return `${MATCAP_ROOT}/${format}/${fileName}`; } function getMatcapFormatString(format) { switch (format) { case 64: return "-64px"; case 128: return "-128px"; case 256: return "-256px"; case 512: return "-512px"; default: return ""; } } var Camera = vue.defineComponent({ render() { return this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default() : []; } }); var OrthographicCamera = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Camera, name: "OrthographicCamera", props: { left: {type: Number, default: -1}, right: {type: Number, default: 1}, top: {type: Number, default: 1}, bottom: {type: Number, default: -1}, near: {type: Number, default: 0.1}, far: {type: Number, default: 2e3}, zoom: {type: Number, default: 1}, position: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0, y: 0, z: 0})} }, setup(props) { const renderer = vue.inject(RendererInjectionKey); if (!renderer) { console.error("Renderer not found"); return; } const camera = new three.OrthographicCamera(props.left, props.right, props.top, props.bottom, props.near, props.far); renderer.camera = camera; bindProp(props, "position", camera); const watchProps = ["left", "right", "top", "bottom", "near", "far", "zoom"]; watchProps.forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => props[p], (value) => { camera[p] = value; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); }); }); return {renderer, camera}; }, __hmrId: "OrthographicCamera" }); var PerspectiveCamera = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Camera, name: "PerspectiveCamera", props: { aspect: {type: Number, default: 1}, far: {type: Number, default: 2e3}, fov: {type: Number, default: 50}, near: {type: Number, default: 0.1}, position: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0, y: 0, z: 0})}, lookAt: {type: Object, default: null} }, setup(props) { var _a; const renderer = vue.inject(RendererInjectionKey); if (!renderer) { console.error("Renderer not found"); return; } const camera = new three.PerspectiveCamera(props.fov, props.aspect, props.near, props.far); renderer.camera = camera; bindProp(props, "position", camera); if (props.lookAt) camera.lookAt((_a = props.lookAt.x) != null ? _a : 0, props.lookAt.y, props.lookAt.z); vue.watch(() => props.lookAt, (v) => { var _a2; camera.lookAt((_a2 = v.x) != null ? _a2 : 0, v.y, v.z); }, {deep: true}); const watchProps = ["aspect", "far", "fov", "near"]; watchProps.forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => props[p], (value) => { camera[p] = value; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); }); }); return {renderer, camera}; }, __hmrId: "PerspectiveCamera" }); const SceneInjectionKey = Symbol("Scene"); var Scene = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Scene", props: { background: [String, Number, Object] }, setup(props) { const renderer = vue.inject(RendererInjectionKey); const scene = new three.Scene(); if (!renderer) { console.error("Renderer not found"); return; } renderer.scene = scene; vue.provide(SceneInjectionKey, scene); const setBackground = (value) => { if (!value) return; if (typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number") { if (scene.background instanceof three.Color) scene.background.set(value); else scene.background = new three.Color(value); } else if (value instanceof three.Texture) { scene.background = value; } }; setBackground(props.background); vue.watch(() => props.background, setBackground); const add = (o) => { scene.add(o); }; const remove = (o) => { scene.remove(o); }; return {scene, add, remove}; }, render() { return this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default() : []; }, __hmrId: "Scene" }); var Object3D = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Object3D", inject: { renderer: RendererInjectionKey, scene: SceneInjectionKey }, emits: ["created", "ready"], props: { position: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0, y: 0, z: 0})}, rotation: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0, y: 0, z: 0})}, scale: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 1, y: 1, z: 1, order: "XYZ"})}, lookAt: {type: Object, default: null}, autoRemove: {type: Boolean, default: true}, userData: {type: Object, default: () => ({})} }, setup() { return {}; }, created() { if (!this.renderer) { console.error("Missing parent Renderer"); } if (!this.scene) { console.error("Missing parent Scene"); } }, unmounted() { if (this.autoRemove) this.removeFromParent(); }, methods: { initObject3D(o3d) { var _a; this.o3d = o3d; this.$emit("created", o3d); bindProp(this, "position", o3d); bindProp(this, "rotation", o3d); bindProp(this, "scale", o3d); bindProp(this, "userData", o3d.userData); if (this.lookAt) o3d.lookAt((_a = this.lookAt.x) != null ? _a : 0, this.lookAt.y, this.lookAt.z); vue.watch(() => this.lookAt, (v) => { var _a2; o3d.lookAt((_a2 = v.x) != null ? _a2 : 0, v.y, v.z); }, {deep: true}); this.parent = this.getParent(); if (this.addToParent()) this.$emit("ready", this); else console.error("Missing parent (Scene, Group...)"); }, getParent() { let parent = this.$parent; while (parent) { if (parent.add) return parent; parent = parent.$parent; } return void 0; }, addToParent(o) { const o3d = o || this.o3d; if (this.parent) { this.parent.add(o3d); return true; } return false; }, removeFromParent(o) { const o3d = o || this.o3d; if (this.parent) { this.parent.remove(o3d); return true; } return false; }, add(o) { var _a; (_a = this.o3d) == null ? void 0 : _a.add(o); }, remove(o) { var _a; (_a = this.o3d) == null ? void 0 : _a.remove(o); } }, render() { return this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default() : []; }, __hmrId: "Object3D" }); var Group = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Group", extends: Object3D, setup() { return { group: new three.Group() }; }, created() { this.initObject3D(this.group); }, __hmrId: "Group" }); const emptyCallBack = () => { }; var Raycaster = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Raycaster", props: { onPointerEnter: {type: Function, default: emptyCallBack}, onPointerOver: {type: Function, default: emptyCallBack}, onPointerMove: {type: Function, default: emptyCallBack}, onPointerLeave: {type: Function, default: emptyCallBack}, onClick: {type: Function, default: emptyCallBack}, intersectMode: {type: String, default: "move"} }, setup() { const renderer = vue.inject(RendererInjectionKey); return {renderer}; }, mounted() { if (!this.renderer) { console.error("Renderer not found"); return; } const renderer = this.renderer; this.renderer.onMounted(() => { if (!renderer.camera) return; this.pointer = usePointer({ camera: renderer.camera, domElement: renderer.canvas, intersectObjects: this.getIntersectObjects(), onIntersectEnter: this.onPointerEnter, onIntersectOver: this.onPointerOver, onIntersectMove: this.onPointerMove, onIntersectLeave: this.onPointerLeave, onIntersectClick: this.onClick }); this.pointer.addListeners(); if (this.intersectMode === "frame") { renderer.onBeforeRender(this.pointer.intersect); } }); }, unmounted() { var _a; if (this.pointer) { this.pointer.removeListeners(); (_a = this.renderer) == null ? void 0 : _a.offBeforeRender(this.pointer.intersect); } }, methods: { getIntersectObjects() { if (this.renderer && this.renderer.scene) { const children = this.renderer.scene.children.filter((c) => ["Mesh", "InstancedMesh"].includes(c.type)); return children; } return []; } }, render() { return []; }, __hmrId: "Raycaster" }); var CubeCamera = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Object3D, props: { cubeRTSize: {type: Number, default: 256}, cubeCameraNear: {type: Number, default: 0.1}, cubeCameraFar: {type: Number, default: 2e3}, autoUpdate: Boolean }, setup(props) { const rendererC = vue.inject(RendererInjectionKey); if (!rendererC || !rendererC.scene) { console.error("Missing Renderer / Scene"); return; } const renderer = rendererC.renderer, scene = rendererC.scene; const cubeRT = new three.WebGLCubeRenderTarget(props.cubeRTSize, {format: three.RGBFormat, generateMipmaps: true, minFilter: three.LinearMipmapLinearFilter}); const cubeCamera = new three.CubeCamera(props.cubeCameraNear, props.cubeCameraFar, cubeRT); const updateRT = () => { cubeCamera.update(renderer, scene); }; if (props.autoUpdate) { rendererC.onBeforeRender(updateRT); vue.onUnmounted(() => { rendererC.offBeforeRender(updateRT); }); } else { rendererC.onMounted(updateRT); } return {cubeRT, cubeCamera}; }, render() { return []; }, __hmrId: "CubeCamera" }); const pointerProps = { onPointerEnter: Function, onPointerOver: Function, onPointerMove: Function, onPointerLeave: Function, onPointerDown: Function, onPointerUp: Function, onClick: Function }; const MeshInjectionKey = Symbol("Mesh"); const Mesh = vue.defineComponent({ name: "Mesh", extends: Object3D, props: { castShadow: Boolean, receiveShadow: Boolean, ...pointerProps }, setup() { return {}; }, provide() { return { [MeshInjectionKey]: this }; }, mounted() { if (!this.mesh && !this.loading) this.initMesh(); }, methods: { initMesh() { const mesh = new three.Mesh(this.geometry, this.material); mesh.userData.component = this; bindProp(this, "castShadow", mesh); bindProp(this, "receiveShadow", mesh); if (this.onPointerEnter || this.onPointerOver || this.onPointerMove || this.onPointerLeave || this.onPointerDown || this.onPointerUp || this.onClick) { if (this.renderer) this.renderer.three.addIntersectObject(mesh); } this.mesh = mesh; this.initObject3D(mesh); }, createGeometry() { }, addGeometryWatchers(props) { Object.keys(props).forEach((prop) => { vue.watch(() => this[prop], () => { this.refreshGeometry(); }); }); }, setGeometry(geometry) { this.geometry = geometry; if (this.mesh) this.mesh.geometry = geometry; }, setMaterial(material) { this.material = material; if (this.mesh) this.mesh.material = material; }, refreshGeometry() { const oldGeo = this.geometry; this.createGeometry(); if (this.mesh && this.geometry) this.mesh.geometry = this.geometry; oldGeo == null ? void 0 : oldGeo.dispose(); } }, unmounted() { if (this.mesh) { if (this.renderer) this.renderer.three.removeIntersectObject(this.mesh); } if (this.geometry) this.geometry.dispose(); if (this.material) this.material.dispose(); }, __hmrId: "Mesh" }); function meshComponent(name, props, createGeometry) { return vue.defineComponent({ name, extends: Mesh, props, created() { this.createGeometry(); this.addGeometryWatchers(props); }, methods: { createGeometry() { this.geometry = createGeometry(this); } } }); } const Geometry = vue.defineComponent({ props: { rotateX: Number, rotateY: Number, rotateZ: Number }, inject: { mesh: MeshInjectionKey }, setup() { return {}; }, created() { if (!this.mesh) { console.error("Missing parent Mesh"); return; } this.createGeometry(); this.rotateGeometry(); if (this.geometry) this.mesh.setGeometry(this.geometry); Object.keys(this.$props).forEach((prop) => { vue.watch(() => this[prop], this.refreshGeometry); }); }, unmounted() { var _a; (_a = this.geometry) == null ? void 0 : _a.dispose(); }, methods: { createGeometry() { }, rotateGeometry() { if (!this.geometry) return; if (this.rotateX) this.geometry.rotateX(this.rotateX); if (this.rotateY) this.geometry.rotateY(this.rotateY); if (this.rotateZ) this.geometry.rotateZ(this.rotateZ); }, refreshGeometry() { const oldGeo = this.geometry; this.createGeometry(); this.rotateGeometry(); if (this.geometry && this.mesh) this.mesh.setGeometry(this.geometry); oldGeo == null ? void 0 : oldGeo.dispose(); } }, render() { return []; } }); function geometryComponent(name, props, createGeometry) { return vue.defineComponent({ name, extends: Geometry, props, methods: { createGeometry() { this.geometry = createGeometry(this); } } }); } const props$n = { size: Number, width: {type: Number, default: 1}, height: {type: Number, default: 1}, depth: {type: Number, default: 1}, widthSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, heightSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, depthSegments: {type: Number, default: 1} }; function createGeometry$f(comp) { if (comp.size) { return new three.BoxGeometry(comp.size, comp.size, comp.size, comp.widthSegments, comp.heightSegments, comp.depthSegments); } else { return new three.BoxGeometry(comp.width, comp.height, comp.depth, comp.widthSegments, comp.heightSegments, comp.depthSegments); } } var BoxGeometry = geometryComponent("BoxGeometry", props$n, createGeometry$f); const props$m = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, segments: {type: Number, default: 8}, thetaStart: {type: Number, default: 0}, thetaLength: {type: Number, default: Math.PI * 2} }; function createGeometry$e(comp) { return new three.CircleGeometry(comp.radius, comp.segments, comp.thetaStart, comp.thetaLength); } var CircleGeometry = geometryComponent("CircleGeometry", props$m, createGeometry$e); const props$l = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, height: {type: Number, default: 1}, radialSegments: {type: Number, default: 8}, heightSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, openEnded: {type: Boolean, default: false}, thetaStart: {type: Number, default: 0}, thetaLength: {type: Number, default: Math.PI * 2} }; function createGeometry$d(comp) { return new three.ConeGeometry(comp.radius, comp.height, comp.radialSegments, comp.heightSegments, comp.openEnded, comp.thetaStart, comp.thetaLength); } var ConeGeometry = geometryComponent("ConeGeometry", props$l, createGeometry$d); const props$k = { radiusTop: {type: Number, default: 1}, radiusBottom: {type: Number, default: 1}, height: {type: Number, default: 1}, radialSegments: {type: Number, default: 8}, heightSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, openEnded: {type: Boolean, default: false}, thetaStart: {type: Number, default: 0}, thetaLength: {type: Number, default: Math.PI * 2} }; function createGeometry$c(comp) { return new three.CylinderGeometry(comp.radiusTop, comp.radiusBottom, comp.height, comp.radialSegments, comp.heightSegments, comp.openEnded, comp.thetaStart, comp.thetaLength); } var CylinderGeometry = geometryComponent("CylinderGeometry", props$k, createGeometry$c); const props$j = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, detail: {type: Number, default: 0} }; function createGeometry$b(comp) { return new three.DodecahedronGeometry(comp.radius, comp.detail); } var DodecahedronGeometry = geometryComponent("DodecahedronGeometry", props$j, createGeometry$b); const props$i = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, detail: {type: Number, default: 0} }; function createGeometry$a(comp) { return new three.IcosahedronGeometry(comp.radius, comp.detail); } var IcosahedronGeometry = geometryComponent("IcosahedronGeometry", props$i, createGeometry$a); const props$h = { points: Array, segments: {type: Number, default: 12}, phiStart: {type: Number, default: 0}, phiLength: {type: Number, default: Math.PI * 2} }; function createGeometry$9(comp) { return new three.LatheGeometry(comp.points, comp.segments, comp.phiStart, comp.phiLength); } var LatheGeometry = geometryComponent("LatheGeometry", props$h, createGeometry$9); const props$g = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, detail: {type: Number, default: 0} }; function createGeometry$8(comp) { return new three.OctahedronGeometry(comp.radius, comp.detail); } var OctahedronGeometry = geometryComponent("OctahedronGeometry", props$g, createGeometry$8); const props$f = { width: {type: Number, default: 1}, height: {type: Number, default: 1}, widthSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, heightSegments: {type: Number, default: 1} }; function createGeometry$7(comp) { return new three.PlaneGeometry(comp.width, comp.height, comp.widthSegments, comp.heightSegments); } var PlaneGeometry = geometryComponent("PlaneGeometry", props$f, createGeometry$7); const props$e = { vertices: Array, indices: Array, radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, detail: {type: Number, default: 0} }; function createGeometry$6(comp) { return new three.PolyhedronGeometry(comp.vertices, comp.indices, comp.radius, comp.detail); } var PolyhedronGeometry = geometryComponent("PolyhedronGeometry", props$e, createGeometry$6); const props$d = { innerRadius: {type: Number, default: 0.5}, outerRadius: {type: Number, default: 1}, thetaSegments: {type: Number, default: 8}, phiSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, thetaStart: {type: Number, default: 0}, thetaLength: {type: Number, default: Math.PI * 2} }; function createGeometry$5(comp) { return new three.RingGeometry(comp.innerRadius, comp.outerRadius, comp.thetaSegments, comp.phiSegments, comp.thetaStart, comp.thetaLength); } var RingGeometry = geometryComponent("RingGeometry", props$d, createGeometry$5); const props$c = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, widthSegments: {type: Number, default: 12}, heightSegments: {type: Number, default: 12} }; function createGeometry$4(comp) { return new three.SphereGeometry(comp.radius, comp.widthSegments, comp.heightSegments); } var SphereGeometry = geometryComponent("SphereGeometry", props$c, createGeometry$4); const props$b = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, detail: {type: Number, default: 0} }; function createGeometry$3(comp) { return new three.TetrahedronGeometry(comp.radius, comp.detail); } var TetrahedronGeometry = geometryComponent("TetrahedronGeometry", props$b, createGeometry$3); const props$a = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, tube: {type: Number, default: 0.4}, radialSegments: {type: Number, default: 8}, tubularSegments: {type: Number, default: 6}, arc: {type: Number, default: Math.PI * 2} }; function createGeometry$2(comp) { return new three.TorusGeometry(comp.radius, comp.tube, comp.radialSegments, comp.tubularSegments, comp.arc); } var TorusGeometry = geometryComponent("TorusGeometry", props$a, createGeometry$2); const props$9 = { radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, tube: {type: Number, default: 0.4}, tubularSegments: {type: Number, default: 64}, radialSegments: {type: Number, default: 8}, p: {type: Number, default: 2}, q: {type: Number, default: 3} }; function createGeometry$1(comp) { return new three.TorusKnotGeometry(comp.radius, comp.tube, comp.tubularSegments, comp.radialSegments, comp.p, comp.q); } var TorusKnotGeometry = geometryComponent("TorusKnotGeometry", props$9, createGeometry$1); const props$8 = { points: Array, path: three.Curve, tubularSegments: {type: Number, default: 64}, radius: {type: Number, default: 1}, radialSegments: {type: Number, default: 8}, closed: {type: Boolean, default: false} }; function createGeometry(comp) { let curve; if (comp.points) { curve = new three.CatmullRomCurve3(comp.points); } else if (comp.path) { curve = comp.path; } else { console.error("Missing path curve or points."); } return new three.TubeGeometry(curve, comp.tubularSegments, comp.radius, comp.radiusSegments, comp.closed); } var TubeGeometry = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Geometry, props: props$8, methods: { createGeometry() { this.geometry = createGeometry(this); }, updatePoints(points) { updateTubeGeometryPoints(this.geometry, points); } } }); function updateTubeGeometryPoints(tube, points) { const curve = new three.CatmullRomCurve3(points); const {radialSegments, radius, tubularSegments, closed} = tube.parameters; const frames = curve.computeFrenetFrames(tubularSegments, closed); tube.tangents = frames.tangents; tube.normals = frames.normals; tube.binormals = frames.binormals; tube.parameters.path = curve; const pAttribute = tube.getAttribute("position"); const nAttribute = tube.getAttribute("normal"); const normal = new three.Vector3(); const P = new three.Vector3(); for (let i = 0; i < tubularSegments; i++) { updateSegment(i); } updateSegment(tubularSegments); tube.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true; tube.attributes.normal.needsUpdate = true; function updateSegment(i) { curve.getPointAt(i / tubularSegments, P); const N = frames.normals[i]; const B = frames.binormals[i]; for (let j = 0; j <= radialSegments; j++) { const v = j / radialSegments * Math.PI * 2; const sin = Math.sin(v); const cos = -Math.cos(v); normal.x = cos * N.x + sin * B.x; normal.y = cos * N.y + sin * B.y; normal.z = cos * N.z + sin * B.z; normal.normalize(); const index = i * (radialSegments + 1) + j; nAttribute.setXYZ(index, normal.x, normal.y, normal.z); pAttribute.setXYZ(index, P.x + radius * normal.x, P.y + radius * normal.y, P.z + radius * normal.z); } } } var Light = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Object3D, name: "Light", props: { color: {type: String, default: "#ffffff"}, intensity: {type: Number, default: 1}, castShadow: {type: Boolean, default: false}, shadowMapSize: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 512, y: 512})}, shadowCamera: {type: Object, default: () => ({})} }, setup() { return {}; }, unmounted() { if (this.light instanceof three.SpotLight || this.light instanceof three.DirectionalLight) { this.removeFromParent(this.light.target); } }, methods: { initLight(light) { this.light = light; if (light.shadow) { light.castShadow = this.castShadow; setFromProp(light.shadow.mapSize, this.shadowMapSize); setFromProp(light.shadow.camera, this.shadowCamera); } ["color", "intensity", "castShadow"].forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { if (p === "color") { light.color.set(value); } else { light[p] = value; } }); }); this.initObject3D(light); if (light instanceof three.SpotLight || light instanceof three.DirectionalLight) { bindProp(this, "target", light.target, "position"); this.addToParent(light.target); } } }, __hmrId: "Light" }); var AmbientLight = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Light, created() { this.initLight(new three.AmbientLight(this.color, this.intensity)); }, __hmrId: "AmbientLight" }); var DirectionalLight = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Light, props: { target: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0, y: 0, z: 0})} }, created() { this.initLight(new three.DirectionalLight(this.color, this.intensity)); }, __hmrId: "DirectionalLight" }); var HemisphereLight = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Light, props: { groundColor: {type: String, default: "#444444"} }, created() { const light = new three.HemisphereLight(this.color, this.groundColor, this.intensity); vue.watch(() => this.groundColor, (value) => { light.groundColor.set(value); }); this.initLight(light); }, __hmrId: "HemisphereLight" }); var PointLight = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Light, props: { distance: {type: Number, default: 0}, decay: {type: Number, default: 1} }, created() { this.initLight(new three.PointLight(this.color, this.intensity, this.distance, this.decay)); }, __hmrId: "PointLight" }); var RectAreaLight = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Light, props: { width: {type: Number, default: 10}, height: {type: Number, default: 10}, helper: Boolean }, created() { RectAreaLightUniformsLib_js.RectAreaLightUniformsLib.init(); const light = new three.RectAreaLight(this.color, this.intensity, this.width, this.height); const watchProps = ["width", "height"]; watchProps.forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { light[p] = value; }); }); if (this.helper) { const lightHelper = new RectAreaLightHelper_js.RectAreaLightHelper(light); light.add(lightHelper); } this.initLight(light); }, __hmrId: "RectAreaLight" }); var SpotLight = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Light, props: { angle: {type: Number, default: Math.PI / 3}, decay: {type: Number, default: 1}, distance: {type: Number, default: 0}, penumbra: {type: Number, default: 0}, target: Object }, created() { const light = new three.SpotLight(this.color, this.intensity, this.distance, this.angle, this.penumbra, this.decay); const watchProps = ["angle", "decay", "distance", "penumbra"]; watchProps.forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { light[p] = value; }); }); this.initLight(light); }, __hmrId: "SpotLight" }); const MaterialInjectionKey = Symbol("Material"); var Material = vue.defineComponent({ inject: { mesh: MeshInjectionKey }, props: { color: {type: [String, Number], default: "#ffffff"}, depthTest: {type: Boolean, default: true}, depthWrite: {type: Boolean, default: true}, fog: {type: Boolean, default: true}, opacity: {type: Number, default: 1}, side: {type: Number, default: three.FrontSide}, transparent: Boolean, vertexColors: Boolean }, setup() { return {}; }, provide() { return { [MaterialInjectionKey]: this }; }, created() { if (!this.mesh) { console.error("Missing parent Mesh"); return; } if (this.createMaterial) { this.material = this.createMaterial(); this.mesh.setMaterial(this.material); this.addWatchers(); } }, unmounted() { var _a; (_a = this.material) == null ? void 0 : _a.dispose(); }, methods: { setProp(key, value, needsUpdate = false) { if (this.material) { this.material[key] = value; this.material.needsUpdate = needsUpdate; } }, setTexture(texture, key = "map") { this.setProp(key, texture, true); }, addWatchers() { ["color", "depthTest", "depthWrite", "fog", "opacity", "side", "transparent"].forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { if (p === "color") { this.material.color.set(value); } else { this.material[p] = value; } }); }); } }, render() { return this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default() : []; }, __hmrId: "Material" }); const wireframeProps = { wireframe: {type: Boolean, default: false}, wireframeLinewidth: {type: Number, default: 1} }; var BasicMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: { ...wireframeProps }, methods: { createMaterial() { const material = new three.MeshBasicMaterial(propsValues(this.$props)); bindProps(this, Object.keys(wireframeProps), material); return material; } }, __hmrId: "BasicMaterial" }); var LambertMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: { ...wireframeProps }, methods: { createMaterial() { const material = new three.MeshLambertMaterial(propsValues(this.$props)); bindProps(this, Object.keys(wireframeProps), material); return material; } }, __hmrId: "LambertMaterial" }); var MatcapMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: { src: String, name: {type: String, default: "0404E8_0404B5_0404CB_3333FC"}, flatShading: Boolean }, methods: { createMaterial() { const src = this.src ? this.src : getMatcapUrl(this.name); const opts = propsValues(this.$props, ["src", "name"]); opts.matcap = new three.TextureLoader().load(src); return new three.MeshMatcapMaterial(opts); } }, __hmrId: "MatcapMaterial" }); var PhongMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: { emissive: {type: [Number, String], default: 0}, emissiveIntensity: {type: Number, default: 1}, reflectivity: {type: Number, default: 1}, shininess: {type: Number, default: 30}, specular: {type: [String, Number], default: 1118481}, flatShading: Boolean, ...wireframeProps }, methods: { createMaterial() { const material = new three.MeshPhongMaterial(propsValues(this.$props)); const watchProps = ["emissive", "emissiveIntensity", "reflectivity", "shininess", "specular"]; watchProps.forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { if (p === "emissive" || p === "specular") { material[p].set(value); } else { material[p] = value; } }); }); bindProps(this, Object.keys(wireframeProps), material); return material; } }, __hmrId: "PhongMaterial" }); const props$7 = { aoMapIntensity: {type: Number, default: 1}, bumpScale: {type: Number, default: 1}, displacementBias: {type: Number, default: 0}, displacementScale: {type: Number, default: 1}, emissive: {type: [String, Number], default: 0}, emissiveIntensity: {type: Number, default: 1}, envMapIntensity: {type: Number, default: 1}, lightMapIntensity: {type: Number, default: 1}, metalness: {type: Number, default: 0}, normalScale: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 1, y: 1})}, roughness: {type: Number, default: 1}, refractionRatio: {type: Number, default: 0.98}, flatShading: Boolean }; var StandardMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: { ...props$7, ...wireframeProps }, methods: { createMaterial() { const material = new three.MeshStandardMaterial(propsValues(this.$props, ["normalScale"])); Object.keys(props$7).forEach((p) => { if (p === "normalScale") return; vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { if (p === "emissive") { material[p].set(value); } else { material[p] = value; } }); }); bindProp(this, "normalScale", material); bindProps(this, Object.keys(wireframeProps), material); return material; } }, __hmrId: "StandardMaterial" }); var PhysicalMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: StandardMaterial, props: { flatShading: Boolean }, methods: { createMaterial() { return new three.MeshPhysicalMaterial(propsValues(this.$props)); } }, __hmrId: "PhysicalMaterial" }); const defaultVertexShader = ` varying vec2 vUv; void main(){ vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position,1.0); } `; const defaultFragmentShader = ` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(vUv.x, vUv.y, 0., 1.0); } `; var ShaderMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: { uniforms: {type: Object, default: () => ({})}, vertexShader: {type: String, default: defaultVertexShader}, fragmentShader: {type: String, default: defaultFragmentShader} }, methods: { createMaterial() { const material = new three.ShaderMaterial({ uniforms: this.uniforms, vertexShader: this.vertexShader, fragmentShader: this.fragmentShader }); const watchProps = ["vertexShader", "fragmentShader"]; watchProps.forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { this.setProp(p, value, true); }); }); return material; }, addWatchers() { } }, __hmrId: "ShaderMaterial" }); function replaceAll(string, find, replace) { return string.split(find).join(replace); } const meshphongFragHead = three.ShaderChunk.meshphong_frag.slice(0, three.ShaderChunk.meshphong_frag.indexOf("void main() {")); const meshphongFragBody = three.ShaderChunk.meshphong_frag.slice(three.ShaderChunk.meshphong_frag.indexOf("void main() {")); const SubsurfaceScatteringShader = { uniforms: three.UniformsUtils.merge([ three.ShaderLib.phong.uniforms, { thicknessColor: {value: new three.Color(16777215)}, thicknessDistortion: {value: 0.1}, thicknessAmbient: {value: 0}, thicknessAttenuation: {value: 0.1}, thicknessPower: {value: 2}, thicknessScale: {value: 10} } ]), vertexShader: ` #define USE_UV ${three.ShaderChunk.meshphong_vert} `, fragmentShader: ` #define USE_UV #define SUBSURFACE ${meshphongFragHead} uniform float thicknessPower; uniform float thicknessScale; uniform float thicknessDistortion; uniform float thicknessAmbient; uniform float thicknessAttenuation; uniform vec3 thicknessColor; void RE_Direct_Scattering(const in IncidentLight directLight, const in vec2 uv, const in GeometricContext geometry, inout ReflectedLight reflectedLight) { #ifdef USE_COLOR vec3 thickness = vColor * thicknessColor; #else vec3 thickness = thicknessColor; #endif vec3 scatteringHalf = normalize(directLight.direction + (geometry.normal * thicknessDistortion)); float scatteringDot = pow(saturate(dot(geometry.viewDir, -scatteringHalf)), thicknessPower) * thicknessScale; vec3 scatteringIllu = (scatteringDot + thicknessAmbient) * thickness; reflectedLight.directDiffuse += scatteringIllu * thicknessAttenuation * directLight.color; } ` + meshphongFragBody.replace("#include ", replaceAll(three.ShaderChunk.lights_fragment_begin, "RE_Direct( directLight, geometry, material, reflectedLight );", ` RE_Direct( directLight, geometry, material, reflectedLight ); #if defined( SUBSURFACE ) && defined( USE_UV ) RE_Direct_Scattering(directLight, vUv, geometry, reflectedLight); #endif `)) }; const props$6 = { color: {type: [String, Number], default: "#ffffff"}, thicknessColor: {type: [String, Number], default: "#ffffff"}, thicknessDistortion: {type: Number, default: 0.4}, thicknessAmbient: {type: Number, default: 0.01}, thicknessAttenuation: {type: Number, default: 0.7}, thicknessPower: {type: Number, default: 2}, thicknessScale: {type: Number, default: 4} }; var SubSurfaceMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: props$6, methods: { createMaterial() { const params = SubsurfaceScatteringShader; const uniforms = three.UniformsUtils.clone(params.uniforms); Object.keys(props$6).forEach((key) => { const value = this[key]; let _key = key, _value = value; if (["color", "thicknessColor"].includes(key)) { if (key === "color") _key = "diffuse"; _value = new three.Color(value); } uniforms[_key].value = _value; }); const material = new three.ShaderMaterial({ ...params, uniforms, lights: true, transparent: this.transparent, vertexColors: this.vertexColors }); return material; } }, __hmrId: "SubSurfaceMaterial" }); var ToonMaterial = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Material, props: { ...wireframeProps }, methods: { createMaterial() { const material = new three.MeshToonMaterial(propsValues(this.$props)); bindProps(this, Object.keys(wireframeProps), material); return material; } }, __hmrId: "ToonMaterial" }); var Texture = vue.defineComponent({ inject: { material: MaterialInjectionKey }, props: { name: {type: String, default: "map"}, uniform: String, src: String, onLoad: Function, onProgress: Function, onError: Function, mapping: {type: Number, default: three.UVMapping}, wrapS: {type: Number, default: three.ClampToEdgeWrapping}, wrapT: {type: Number, default: three.ClampToEdgeWrapping}, magFilter: {type: Number, default: three.LinearFilter}, minFilter: {type: Number, default: three.LinearMipmapLinearFilter}, repeat: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 1, y: 1})}, rotation: {type: Number, default: 0}, center: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0, y: 0})} }, setup() { return {}; }, created() { this.refreshTexture(); vue.watch(() => this.src, this.refreshTexture); }, unmounted() { var _a, _b; (_a = this.material) == null ? void 0 : _a.setTexture(null, this.name); (_b = this.texture) == null ? void 0 : _b.dispose(); }, methods: { createTexture() { if (!this.src) return void 0; const texture = new three.TextureLoader().load(this.src, this.onLoaded, this.onProgress, this.onError); const wathProps = ["mapping", "wrapS", "wrapT", "magFilter", "minFilter", "repeat", "rotation", "center"]; wathProps.forEach((prop) => { bindProp(this, prop, texture); }); return texture; }, refreshTexture() { this.texture = this.createTexture(); if (this.texture && this.material) { this.material.setTexture(this.texture, this.name); if (this.material.material instanceof three.ShaderMaterial && this.uniform) { this.material.uniforms[this.uniform] = {value: this.texture}; } } }, onLoaded(t) { var _a; (_a = this.onLoad) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this, t); } }, render() { return []; } }); var CubeTexture = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Texture, props: { path: {type: String, required: true}, urls: { type: Array, default: () => ["px.jpg", "nx.jpg", "py.jpg", "ny.jpg", "pz.jpg", "nz.jpg"] }, mapping: {type: Number, default: three.CubeReflectionMapping} }, created() { vue.watch(() => this.path, this.refreshTexture); vue.watch(() => this.urls, this.refreshTexture); }, methods: { createTexture() { return new three.CubeTextureLoader().setPath(this.path).load(this.urls, this.onLoaded, this.onProgress, this.onError); } } }); var Box = meshComponent("Box", props$n, createGeometry$f); var Circle = meshComponent("Circle", props$m, createGeometry$e); var Cone = meshComponent("Cone", props$l, createGeometry$d); var Cylinder = meshComponent("Cylinder", props$k, createGeometry$c); var Dodecahedron = meshComponent("Dodecahedron", props$j, createGeometry$b); var Icosahedron = meshComponent("Icosahedron", props$i, createGeometry$a); var Lathe = meshComponent("Lathe", props$h, createGeometry$9); var Octahedron = meshComponent("Octahedron", props$g, createGeometry$8); var Plane = meshComponent("Plane", props$f, createGeometry$7); var Polyhedron = meshComponent("Polyhedron", props$e, createGeometry$6); var Ring = meshComponent("Ring", props$d, createGeometry$5); var Sphere = meshComponent("Sphere", props$c, createGeometry$4); var Tetrahedron = meshComponent("Tetrahedron", props$b, createGeometry$3); const props$5 = { text: {type: String, required: true, default: "Text"}, fontSrc: {type: String, required: true}, size: {type: Number, default: 80}, height: {type: Number, default: 5}, depth: {type: Number, default: 1}, curveSegments: {type: Number, default: 12}, bevelEnabled: {type: Boolean, default: false}, bevelThickness: {type: Number, default: 10}, bevelSize: {type: Number, default: 8}, bevelOffset: {type: Number, default: 0}, bevelSegments: {type: Number, default: 5}, align: {type: [Boolean, String], default: false} }; var Text = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Mesh, props: props$5, setup() { return {}; }, created() { if (!this.fontSrc) { console.error('Missing required prop: "font-src"'); return; } const watchProps = [ "text", "size", "height", "curveSegments", "bevelEnabled", "bevelThickness", "bevelSize", "bevelOffset", "bevelSegments", "align" ]; watchProps.forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], () => { if (this.font) this.refreshGeometry(); }); }); const loader = new three.FontLoader(); this.loading = true; loader.load(this.fontSrc, (font) => { this.loading = false; this.font = font; this.createGeometry(); this.initMesh(); }); }, methods: { createGeometry() { this.geometry = new three.TextGeometry(this.text, { font: this.font, size: this.size, height: this.height, depth: this.depth, curveSegments: this.curveSegments, bevelEnabled: this.bevelEnabled, bevelThickness: this.bevelThickness, bevelSize: this.bevelSize, bevelOffset: this.bevelOffset, bevelSegments: this.bevelSegments }); if (this.align === "center") { this.geometry.center(); } } } }); var Torus = meshComponent("Torus", props$a, createGeometry$2); var TorusKnot = meshComponent("TorusKnot", props$9, createGeometry$1); var Tube = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Mesh, props: props$8, created() { this.createGeometry(); this.addGeometryWatchers(props$8); }, methods: { createGeometry() { this.geometry = createGeometry(this); }, updatePoints(points) { updateTubeGeometryPoints(this.geometry, points); } }, __hmrId: "Tube" }); var Image = vue.defineComponent({ emits: ["loaded"], extends: Mesh, props: { src: {type: String, required: true}, width: Number, height: Number, widthSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, heightSegments: {type: Number, default: 1}, keepSize: Boolean }, setup() { return {}; }, created() { if (!this.renderer) return; this.geometry = new three.PlaneGeometry(1, 1, this.widthSegments, this.heightSegments); this.material = new three.MeshBasicMaterial({side: three.DoubleSide, map: this.loadTexture()}); vue.watch(() => this.src, this.refreshTexture); ["width", "height"].forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], this.resize); }); this.resize(); if (this.keepSize) this.renderer.onResize(this.resize); }, unmounted() { var _a; (_a = this.renderer) == null ? void 0 : _a.offResize(this.resize); }, methods: { loadTexture() { return new three.TextureLoader().load(this.src, this.onLoaded); }, refreshTexture() { var _a; (_a = this.texture) == null ? void 0 : _a.dispose(); if (this.material) { this.material.map = this.loadTexture(); this.material.needsUpdate = true; } }, onLoaded(texture) { this.texture = texture; this.resize(); this.$emit("loaded", texture); }, resize() { if (!this.renderer || !this.texture) return; const screen = this.renderer.size; const iW = this.texture.image.width; const iH = this.texture.image.height; const iRatio = iW / iH; let w = 1, h = 1; if (this.width && this.height) { w = this.width * screen.wWidth / screen.width; h = this.height * screen.wHeight / screen.height; } else if (this.width) { w = this.width * screen.wWidth / screen.width; h = w / iRatio; } else if (this.height) { h = this.height * screen.wHeight / screen.height; w = h * iRatio; } else { if (iRatio > 1) w = h * iRatio; else h = w / iRatio; } if (this.mesh) { this.mesh.scale.x = w; this.mesh.scale.y = h; } } }, __hmrId: "Image" }); var InstancedMesh = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Mesh, props: { count: {type: Number, required: true} }, methods: { initMesh() { if (!this.renderer) return; if (!this.geometry || !this.material) { console.error("Missing geometry and/or material"); return false; } this.mesh = new three.InstancedMesh(this.geometry, this.material, this.count); this.mesh.userData.component = this; bindProp(this, "castShadow", this.mesh); bindProp(this, "receiveShadow", this.mesh); if (this.onPointerEnter || this.onPointerOver || this.onPointerMove || this.onPointerLeave || this.onPointerDown || this.onPointerUp || this.onClick) { this.renderer.three.addIntersectObject(this.mesh); } this.initObject3D(this.mesh); } }, __hmrId: "InstancedMesh" }); var Sprite = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Object3D, emits: ["loaded"], props: { src: {type: String, required: true} }, setup() { return {}; }, created() { this.texture = new three.TextureLoader().load(this.src, this.onLoaded); this.material = new three.SpriteMaterial({map: this.texture}); this.sprite = new three.Sprite(this.material); this.initObject3D(this.sprite); }, unmounted() { var _a, _b; (_a = this.texture) == null ? void 0 : _a.dispose(); (_b = this.material) == null ? void 0 : _b.dispose(); }, methods: { onLoaded() { this.updateUV(); this.$emit("loaded"); }, updateUV() { if (!this.texture || !this.sprite) return; const iWidth = this.texture.image.width; const iHeight = this.texture.image.height; const iRatio = iWidth / iHeight; let x = 0.5, y = 0.5; if (iRatio > 1) { x = 0.5 * iRatio; } else { y = 0.5 / iRatio; } const positions = this.sprite.geometry.attributes.position.array; positions[0] = -x; positions[1] = -y; positions[5] = x; positions[6] = -y; positions[10] = x; positions[11] = y; positions[15] = -x; positions[16] = y; this.sprite.geometry.attributes.position.needsUpdate = true; } }, __hmrId: "Sprite" }); var Model = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Object3D, emits: ["load", "progress", "error"], props: { src: {type: String, required: true} }, data() { return { progress: 0 }; }, methods: { onLoad(model) { this.$emit("load", model); this.initObject3D(model); }, onProgress(progress) { this.progress = progress.loaded / progress.total; this.$emit("progress", progress); }, onError(error) { this.$emit("error", error); } } }); var GLTF = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Model, created() { const loader = new GLTFLoader_js.GLTFLoader(); loader.load(this.src, (gltf) => { this.onLoad(gltf.scene); }, this.onProgress, this.onError); } }); var FBX = vue.defineComponent({ extends: Model, created() { const loader = new FBXLoader_js.FBXLoader(); loader.load(this.src, (fbx) => { this.onLoad(fbx); }, this.onProgress, this.onError); } }); const ComposerInjectionKey = Symbol("Composer"); var EffectComposer = vue.defineComponent({ setup() { const renderer = vue.inject(RendererInjectionKey); return {renderer}; }, provide() { return { [ComposerInjectionKey]: this }; }, created() { if (!this.renderer) { console.error("Renderer not found"); return; } const renderer = this.renderer; const composer = new EffectComposer_js.EffectComposer(this.renderer.renderer); this.composer = composer; this.renderer.composer = composer; renderer.addListener("init", () => { renderer.renderer.autoClear = false; this.resize(); renderer.addListener("resize", this.resize); }); }, unmounted() { var _a; (_a = this.renderer) == null ? void 0 : _a.removeListener("resize", this.resize); }, methods: { addPass(pass) { var _a; (_a = this.composer) == null ? void 0 : _a.addPass(pass); }, removePass(pass) { var _a; (_a = this.composer) == null ? void 0 : _a.removePass(pass); }, resize() { if (this.composer && this.renderer) { this.composer.setSize(this.renderer.size.width, this.renderer.size.height); } } }, render() { return this.$slots.default ? this.$slots.default() : []; }, __hmrId: "EffectComposer" }); var EffectPass = vue.defineComponent({ inject: { renderer: RendererInjectionKey, composer: ComposerInjectionKey }, emits: ["ready"], setup() { return {}; }, created() { if (!this.composer) { console.error("Missing parent EffectComposer"); } if (!this.renderer) { console.error("Missing parent Renderer"); } }, unmounted() { var _a, _b, _c; if (this.pass) { (_a = this.composer) == null ? void 0 : _a.removePass(this.pass); (_c = (_b = this.pass).dispose) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(_b); } }, methods: { initEffectPass(pass) { var _a; this.pass = pass; (_a = this.composer) == null ? void 0 : _a.addPass(pass); this.$emit("ready", pass); } }, render() { return []; }, __hmrId: "EffectPass" }); var RenderPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, created() { if (!this.renderer) return; if (!this.renderer.scene) { console.error("Missing Scene"); return; } if (!this.renderer.camera) { console.error("Missing Camera"); return; } const pass = new RenderPass_js.RenderPass(this.renderer.scene, this.renderer.camera); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "RenderPass" }); const props$4 = { focus: {type: Number, default: 1}, aperture: {type: Number, default: 0.025}, maxblur: {type: Number, default: 0.01} }; var BokehPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, props: props$4, created() { if (!this.renderer) return; if (!this.renderer.scene) { console.error("Missing Scene"); return; } if (!this.renderer.camera) { console.error("Missing Camera"); return; } const params = { focus: this.focus, aperture: this.aperture, maxblur: this.maxblur, width: this.renderer.size.width, height: this.renderer.size.height }; const pass = new BokehPass_js.BokehPass(this.renderer.scene, this.renderer.camera, params); Object.keys(props$4).forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { pass.uniforms[p].value = value; }); }); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "BokehPass" }); const props$3 = { noiseIntensity: {type: Number, default: 0.5}, scanlinesIntensity: {type: Number, default: 0.05}, scanlinesCount: {type: Number, default: 4096}, grayscale: {type: Number, default: 0} }; var FilmPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, props: props$3, created() { const pass = new FilmPass_js.FilmPass(this.noiseIntensity, this.scanlinesIntensity, this.scanlinesCount, this.grayscale); Object.keys(props$3).forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { pass.uniforms[p].value = value; }); }); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "FilmPass" }); var FXAAPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, created() { var _a; const pass = new ShaderPass_js.ShaderPass(FXAAShader_js.FXAAShader); (_a = this.renderer) == null ? void 0 : _a.addListener("resize", this.resize); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, unmounted() { var _a; (_a = this.renderer) == null ? void 0 : _a.removeListener("resize", this.resize); }, methods: { resize({size}) { if (this.pass) { const {resolution} = this.pass.material.uniforms; resolution.value.x = 1 / size.width; resolution.value.y = 1 / size.height; } } }, __hmrId: "FXAAPass" }); const props$2 = { shape: {type: Number, default: 1}, radius: {type: Number, default: 4}, rotateR: {type: Number, default: Math.PI / 12 * 1}, rotateG: {type: Number, default: Math.PI / 12 * 2}, rotateB: {type: Number, default: Math.PI / 12 * 3}, scatter: {type: Number, default: 0} }; var HalftonePass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, props: props$2, created() { if (!this.renderer) return; const pass = new HalftonePass_js.HalftonePass(this.renderer.size.width, this.renderer.size.height, {}); Object.keys(props$2).forEach((p) => { pass.uniforms[p].value = this[p]; vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { pass.uniforms[p].value = value; }); }); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "HalftonePass" }); var SMAAPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, created() { if (!this.renderer) return; const pass = new SMAAPass_js.SMAAPass(this.renderer.size.width, this.renderer.size.height); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "SMAAPass" }); var SSAOPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, props: { options: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) } }, created() { if (!this.renderer) return; if (!this.renderer.scene) { console.error("Missing Scene"); return; } if (!this.renderer.camera) { console.error("Missing Camera"); return; } const pass = new SSAOPass_js.SSAOPass(this.renderer.scene, this.renderer.camera, this.renderer.size.width, this.renderer.size.height); Object.keys(this.options).forEach((key) => { pass[key] = this.options[key]; }); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "SSAOPass" }); var DefaultShader = { uniforms: {}, vertexShader: ` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0); } `, fragmentShader: ` varying vec2 vUv; void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } ` }; var TiltShift = { uniforms: { tDiffuse: {value: null}, blurRadius: {value: 0}, gradientRadius: {value: 0}, start: {value: new three.Vector2()}, end: {value: new three.Vector2()}, delta: {value: new three.Vector2()}, texSize: {value: new three.Vector2()} }, vertexShader: DefaultShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: ` uniform sampler2D tDiffuse; uniform float blurRadius; uniform float gradientRadius; uniform vec2 start; uniform vec2 end; uniform vec2 delta; uniform vec2 texSize; varying vec2 vUv; float random(vec3 scale, float seed) { /* use the fragment position for a different seed per-pixel */ return fract(sin(dot(gl_FragCoord.xyz + seed, scale)) * 43758.5453 + seed); } void main() { vec4 color = vec4(0.0); float total = 0.0; /* randomize the lookup values to hide the fixed number of samples */ float offset = random(vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182), 0.0); vec2 normal = normalize(vec2(start.y - end.y, end.x - start.x)); float radius = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, abs(dot(vUv * texSize - start, normal)) / gradientRadius) * blurRadius; for (float t = -30.0; t <= 30.0; t++) { float percent = (t + offset - 0.5) / 30.0; float weight = 1.0 - abs(percent); vec4 texel = texture2D(tDiffuse, vUv + delta / texSize * percent * radius); // vec4 texel2 = texture2D(tDiffuse, vUv + vec2(-delta.y, delta.x) / texSize * percent * radius); /* switch to pre-multiplied alpha to correctly blur transparent images */ texel.rgb *= texel.a; // texel2.rgb *= texel2.a; color += texel * weight; total += 2.0 * weight; } gl_FragColor = color / total; /* switch back from pre-multiplied alpha */ gl_FragColor.rgb /= gl_FragColor.a + 0.00001; } ` }; const props$1 = { blurRadius: {type: Number, default: 10}, gradientRadius: {type: Number, default: 100}, start: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0, y: 100})}, end: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 10, y: 100})} }; var TiltShiftPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, props: props$1, setup() { return {uniforms1: {}, uniforms2: {}}; }, created() { if (!this.composer) return; this.pass1 = new ShaderPass_js.ShaderPass(TiltShift); this.pass2 = new ShaderPass_js.ShaderPass(TiltShift); const uniforms1 = this.uniforms1 = this.pass1.uniforms; const uniforms2 = this.uniforms2 = this.pass2.uniforms; uniforms2.blurRadius = uniforms1.blurRadius; uniforms2.gradientRadius = uniforms1.gradientRadius; uniforms2.start = uniforms1.start; uniforms2.end = uniforms1.end; uniforms2.texSize = uniforms1.texSize; bindProp(this, "blurRadius", uniforms1.blurRadius, "value"); bindProp(this, "gradientRadius", uniforms1.gradientRadius, "value"); this.updateFocusLine(); ["start", "end"].forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], this.updateFocusLine, {deep: true}); }); this.pass1.setSize = (width, height) => { uniforms1.texSize.value.set(width, height); }; this.initEffectPass(this.pass1); this.composer.addPass(this.pass2); }, unmounted() { if (this.composer && this.pass2) this.composer.removePass(this.pass2); }, methods: { updateFocusLine() { this.uniforms1.start.value.copy(this.start); this.uniforms1.end.value.copy(this.end); const dv = new three.Vector2().copy(this.end).sub(this.start).normalize(); this.uniforms1.delta.value.copy(dv); this.uniforms2.delta.value.set(-dv.y, dv.x); } }, __hmrId: "TiltShiftPass" }); const props = { strength: {type: Number, default: 1.5}, radius: {type: Number, default: 0}, threshold: {type: Number, default: 0} }; var UnrealBloomPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, props, created() { if (!this.renderer) return; const size = new three.Vector2(this.renderer.size.width, this.renderer.size.height); const pass = new UnrealBloomPass_js.UnrealBloomPass(size, this.strength, this.radius, this.threshold); Object.keys(props).forEach((p) => { vue.watch(() => this[p], (value) => { pass.uniforms[p].value = value; }); }); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "UnrealBloomPass" }); var ZoomBlur = { uniforms: { tDiffuse: {value: null}, center: {value: new three.Vector2(0.5, 0.5)}, strength: {value: 0} }, vertexShader: DefaultShader.vertexShader, fragmentShader: ` uniform sampler2D tDiffuse; uniform vec2 center; uniform float strength; varying vec2 vUv; float random(vec3 scale, float seed) { /* use the fragment position for a different seed per-pixel */ return fract(sin(dot(gl_FragCoord.xyz + seed, scale)) * 43758.5453 + seed); } void main() { vec4 color = vec4(0.0); float total = 0.0; vec2 toCenter = center - vUv; /* randomize the lookup values to hide the fixed number of samples */ float offset = random(vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182), 0.0); for (float t = 0.0; t <= 40.0; t++) { float percent = (t + offset) / 40.0; float weight = 4.0 * (percent - percent * percent); vec4 texel = texture2D(tDiffuse, vUv + toCenter * percent * strength); /* switch to pre-multiplied alpha to correctly blur transparent images */ texel.rgb *= texel.a; color += texel * weight; total += weight; } gl_FragColor = color / total; /* switch back from pre-multiplied alpha */ gl_FragColor.rgb /= gl_FragColor.a + 0.00001; } ` }; var ZoomBlurPass = vue.defineComponent({ extends: EffectPass, props: { center: {type: Object, default: () => ({x: 0.5, y: 0.5})}, strength: {type: Number, default: 0.5} }, created() { const pass = new ShaderPass_js.ShaderPass(ZoomBlur); bindProp(this, "center", pass.uniforms.center, "value"); bindProp(this, "strength", pass.uniforms.strength, "value"); this.initEffectPass(pass); }, __hmrId: "ZoomBlurPass" }); var TROIS = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Renderer: Renderer, RendererInjectionKey: RendererInjectionKey, OrthographicCamera: OrthographicCamera, PerspectiveCamera: PerspectiveCamera, Camera: PerspectiveCamera, Group: Group, Scene: Scene, SceneInjectionKey: SceneInjectionKey, Object3D: Object3D, Raycaster: Raycaster, CubeCamera: CubeCamera, BoxGeometry: BoxGeometry, CircleGeometry: CircleGeometry, ConeGeometry: ConeGeometry, CylinderGeometry: CylinderGeometry, DodecahedronGeometry: DodecahedronGeometry, IcosahedronGeometry: IcosahedronGeometry, LatheGeometry: LatheGeometry, OctahedronGeometry: OctahedronGeometry, PlaneGeometry: PlaneGeometry, PolyhedronGeometry: PolyhedronGeometry, RingGeometry: RingGeometry, SphereGeometry: SphereGeometry, TetrahedronGeometry: TetrahedronGeometry, TorusGeometry: TorusGeometry, TorusKnotGeometry: TorusKnotGeometry, TubeGeometry: TubeGeometry, AmbientLight: AmbientLight, DirectionalLight: DirectionalLight, HemisphereLight: HemisphereLight, PointLight: PointLight, RectAreaLight: RectAreaLight, SpotLight: SpotLight, Material: Material, MaterialInjectionKey: MaterialInjectionKey, BasicMaterial: BasicMaterial, LambertMaterial: LambertMaterial, MatcapMaterial: MatcapMaterial, PhongMaterial: PhongMaterial, PhysicalMaterial: PhysicalMaterial, ShaderMaterial: ShaderMaterial, StandardMaterial: StandardMaterial, SubSurfaceMaterial: SubSurfaceMaterial, ToonMaterial: ToonMaterial, Texture: Texture, CubeTexture: CubeTexture, Mesh: Mesh, MeshInjectionKey: MeshInjectionKey, Box: Box, Circle: Circle, Cone: Cone, Cylinder: Cylinder, Dodecahedron: Dodecahedron, Icosahedron: Icosahedron, Lathe: Lathe, Octahedron: Octahedron, Plane: Plane, Polyhedron: Polyhedron, Ring: Ring, Sphere: Sphere, Tetrahedron: Tetrahedron, Text: Text, Torus: Torus, TorusKnot: TorusKnot, Tube: Tube, Image: Image, InstancedMesh: InstancedMesh, Sprite: Sprite, GLTFModel: GLTF, FBXModel: FBX, EffectComposer: EffectComposer, ComposerInjectionKey: ComposerInjectionKey, RenderPass: RenderPass, BokehPass: BokehPass, FilmPass: FilmPass, FXAAPass: FXAAPass, HalftonePass: HalftonePass, SMAAPass: SMAAPass, SSAOPass: SSAOPass, TiltShiftPass: TiltShiftPass, UnrealBloomPass: UnrealBloomPass, ZoomBlurPass: ZoomBlurPass, setFromProp: setFromProp, bindProps: bindProps, bindProp: bindProp, propsValues: propsValues, lerp: lerp, limit: limit, getMatcapUrl: getMatcapUrl }); const TroisJSVuePlugin = { install(app) { const comps = [ "Camera", "OrthographicCamera", "PerspectiveCamera", "Raycaster", "Renderer", "Scene", "Group", "AmbientLight", "DirectionalLight", "HemisphereLight", "PointLight", "RectAreaLight", "SpotLight", "BasicMaterial", "LambertMaterial", "MatcapMaterial", "PhongMaterial", "PhysicalMaterial", "ShaderMaterial", "StandardMaterial", "SubSurfaceMaterial", "ToonMaterial", "Texture", "CubeTexture", "Mesh", "Box", "BoxGeometry", "Circle", "CircleGeometry", "Cone", "ConeGeometry", "Cylinder", "CylinderGeometry", "Dodecahedron", "DodecahedronGeometry", "Icosahedron", "IcosahedronGeometry", "Lathe", "LatheGeometry", "Octahedron", "OctahedronGeometry", "Plane", "PlaneGeometry", "Polyhedron", "PolyhedronGeometry", "Ring", "RingGeometry", "Sphere", "SphereGeometry", "Tetrahedron", "TetrahedronGeometry", "Text", "Torus", "TorusGeometry", "TorusKnot", "TorusKnotGeometry", "Tube", "TubeGeometry", "Image", "InstancedMesh", "Sprite", "FBXModel", "GLTFModel", "BokehPass", "EffectComposer", "FilmPass", "FXAAPass", "HalftonePass", "RenderPass", "SAOPass", "SMAAPass", "SSAOPass", "TiltShiftPass", "UnrealBloomPass", "ZoomBlurPass", "GLTFViewer" ]; comps.forEach((comp) => { app.component(comp, TROIS[comp]); }); } }; function createApp(params) { return vue.createApp(params).use(TroisJSVuePlugin); } function useTextures() { const obj = { loader: new three.TextureLoader(), count: 0, textures: [], loadProgress: 0, loadTextures, dispose }; return obj; function loadTextures(images, cb) { obj.count = images.length; obj.textures.splice(0); obj.loadProgress = 0; Promise.all(images.map(loadTexture)).then(cb); } function loadTexture(img, index) { return new Promise((resolve) => { obj.loader.load(img.src, (texture) => { obj.loadProgress += 1 / obj.count; obj.textures[index] = texture; resolve(texture); }); }); } function dispose() { obj.textures.forEach((t) => t.dispose()); } } exports.AmbientLight = AmbientLight; exports.BasicMaterial = BasicMaterial; exports.BokehPass = BokehPass; exports.Box = Box; exports.BoxGeometry = BoxGeometry; exports.Camera = PerspectiveCamera; exports.Circle = Circle; exports.CircleGeometry = CircleGeometry; exports.ComposerInjectionKey = ComposerInjectionKey; exports.Cone = Cone; exports.ConeGeometry = ConeGeometry; exports.CubeCamera = CubeCamera; exports.CubeTexture = CubeTexture; exports.Cylinder = Cylinder; exports.CylinderGeometry = CylinderGeometry; exports.DirectionalLight = DirectionalLight; exports.Dodecahedron = Dodecahedron; exports.DodecahedronGeometry = DodecahedronGeometry; exports.EffectComposer = EffectComposer; exports.FBXModel = FBX; exports.FXAAPass = FXAAPass; exports.FilmPass = FilmPass; exports.GLTFModel = GLTF; exports.Group = Group; exports.HalftonePass = HalftonePass; exports.HemisphereLight = HemisphereLight; exports.Icosahedron = Icosahedron; exports.IcosahedronGeometry = IcosahedronGeometry; exports.Image = Image; exports.InstancedMesh = InstancedMesh; exports.LambertMaterial = LambertMaterial; exports.Lathe = Lathe; exports.LatheGeometry = LatheGeometry; exports.MatcapMaterial = MatcapMaterial; exports.Material = Material; exports.MaterialInjectionKey = MaterialInjectionKey; exports.Mesh = Mesh; exports.MeshInjectionKey = MeshInjectionKey; exports.Object3D = Object3D; exports.Octahedron = Octahedron; exports.OctahedronGeometry = OctahedronGeometry; exports.OrthographicCamera = OrthographicCamera; exports.PerspectiveCamera = PerspectiveCamera; exports.PhongMaterial = PhongMaterial; exports.PhysicalMaterial = PhysicalMaterial; exports.Plane = Plane; exports.PlaneGeometry = PlaneGeometry; exports.PointLight = PointLight; exports.Polyhedron = Polyhedron; exports.PolyhedronGeometry = PolyhedronGeometry; exports.Raycaster = Raycaster; exports.RectAreaLight = RectAreaLight; exports.RenderPass = RenderPass; exports.Renderer = Renderer; exports.RendererInjectionKey = RendererInjectionKey; exports.Ring = Ring; exports.RingGeometry = RingGeometry; exports.SMAAPass = SMAAPass; exports.SSAOPass = SSAOPass; exports.Scene = Scene; exports.SceneInjectionKey = SceneInjectionKey; exports.ShaderMaterial = ShaderMaterial; exports.Sphere = Sphere; exports.SphereGeometry = SphereGeometry; exports.SpotLight = SpotLight; exports.Sprite = Sprite; exports.StandardMaterial = StandardMaterial; exports.SubSurfaceMaterial = SubSurfaceMaterial; exports.Tetrahedron = Tetrahedron; exports.TetrahedronGeometry = TetrahedronGeometry; exports.Text = Text; exports.Texture = Texture; exports.TiltShiftPass = TiltShiftPass; exports.ToonMaterial = ToonMaterial; exports.Torus = Torus; exports.TorusGeometry = TorusGeometry; exports.TorusKnot = TorusKnot; exports.TorusKnotGeometry = TorusKnotGeometry; exports.TroisJSVuePlugin = TroisJSVuePlugin; exports.Tube = Tube; exports.TubeGeometry = TubeGeometry; exports.UnrealBloomPass = UnrealBloomPass; exports.ZoomBlurPass = ZoomBlurPass; exports.bindProp = bindProp; exports.bindProps = bindProps; exports.createApp = createApp; exports.getMatcapUrl = getMatcapUrl; exports.lerp = lerp; exports.limit = limit; exports.propsValues = propsValues; exports.setFromProp = setFromProp; exports.useTextures = useTextures; //# sourceMappingURL=trois.js.map