Cordova Printer-Plugin ====================== A bunch of printing plugins for Cordova 3.x.x by Sebastián Katzer ([]( ## Supported Platforms - **iOS** *(Print from iOS devices to AirPrint compatible printers)*
See [Drawing and Printing Guide for iOS]( for detailed informations and screenshots. - **Android** *(Print through 3rd party printing apps)* ## Installation The plugin can either be installed from git repository or from local file system through the [Command-line Interface][CLI].
Or cloud based through [PhoneGap Build][PGB]. ### Local development environment From master: ```bash # ~~ from master ~~ cordova plugin add && cordova prepare ``` from a local folder: ```bash # ~~ local folder ~~ cordova plugin add de.appplant.cordova.plugin.printer --searchpath path/to/plugin && cordova prepare ``` or to use the last stable version: ```bash # ~~ stable version ~~ cordova plugin add de.appplant.cordova.plugin.printer && cordova prepare ``` ### PhoneGap Build Add the following xml to your config.xml to always use the latest version of this plugin: ```xml ``` or to use an specific version: ```xml ``` More informations can be found [here][PGB_plugin]. ### Removing the Plugin Through the [Command-line Interface][CLI]: ```bash cordova plugin rm de.appplant.cordova.plugin.printer ``` ## ChangeLog #### Version 0.6.0 (not yet released) - [bugfix]: Printing wasn't possible because `isServiceAvailable` returns False IOS - [feature]: Added Windows8 support
*Thanks to* ***pirvudoru*** #### Further informations - See [][changelog] to get the full changelog for the plugin. ## Using the plugin The plugin creates the object `window.plugin.printer` with the following methods: 1. [plugin.printer.isServiceAvailable][available] 2. [plugin.printer.print][print] ### Plugin initialization The plugin and its methods are not available before the *deviceready* event has been fired. ```javascript document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () { // window.plugin.printer is now available }, false); ``` ### Find out if printing is available on the device The device his printing capabilities can be reviewed through the `printer.isServiceAvailable` interface. You can use this function to hide print functionality from users who will be unable to use it.
The method takes a callback function, passed to which is a boolean property. Optionally you can assign the scope in which the callback will be executed as a second parameter (default to *window*). __Note:__ Printing is only available on devices capable of multi-tasking (iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 etc.) running iOS 4.2 or later or through a pre-installed printer app (Android).
```javascript /** * Checks if the printer service is avaible (iOS) * or if a printing app is installed on the device (Android). * * @param {Function} callback * A callback function * @param {Object?} scope * The scope of the callback (default: window) * * @return {Boolean} */ window.plugin.printer.isServiceAvailable( function (isAvailable) { alert(isAvailable ? 'Service is available' : 'Service NOT available'); } ); ``` ### Send content to a printer Content can be send to a printer through the `printer.print` interface.
The method takes a string or a HTML DOM node. #### Further informations - See the [isServiceAvailable][available] method to find out if printing is available on the device. - All required CSS rules needs to be included in order to print HTML encoded content. - On Android the functionality between different print apps may vary. ```javascript /** * Sends the content to a printer app or service. * * @param {String} content * HTML string or DOM node * if latter, innerHTML is used to get the content * @param {Object?} options * Platform specific options */ window.plugin.printer.print(content, options); ``` ## Example The following exmaple demonstrates how to print out the whole HTML page. ```javascript // Get the content var page = document.body; // Pass to the printer window.plugin.printer.print(page); ``` ## Platform specifics ### Get all available printing apps on Android The callback function will be called with a second argument which is an array, indicating which printer apps are available for printing. ```javascript window.plugin.printer.isServiceAvailable( function (isAvailable, installedAppIds) { alert('The following print apps are installed on your device: ' + installedAppIds.join(', ')); } ); ``` ### Specify printing app on Android An App-ID can be assigned as a platform configuration to indicate which 3rd party printing app shall be used. Otherwise the first found application will be used. ```javascript window.plugin.printer.print(page, { appId: 'epson.print' }); ``` ## Quirks ### Testing in the iOS Simulator There's no need to waste lots of paper when testing - if you're using the iOS simulator, select File->Open Printer Simulator to open some dummy printers (print outs will appear as PDF files). ### Adding Page Breaks to Printouts Use the 'page-break-before' property to specify a page break, e.g. ```html

First page.

Second page.

``` See W3Schools for more more information: Note: you will need to add an extra top margin to new pages. ### Printing on Real Printers (iOS) Printing is only supported on AirPrint-enabled printers or with the use of third-party software on your computer. The following pages contain more information: - AirPrint-enabled printers: - Enabling AirPrint on your computer:, or ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## License This software is released under the [Apache 2.0 License][apache2_license]. © 2013-2014 appPlant UG, Inc. All rights reserved [cordova]: [CLI]: [PGB]: [PGB_plugin]: [changelog]: [available]: #find-out-if-printing-is-available-on-the-device [print]: #send-content-to-a-printer [apache2_license]: [katzer]: [appplant]: