sockets-for-cordova =================== This Cordova plugin provides JavaScript API, that allows you to communicate with server through TCP protocol. Currently we support these platforms: iOS, Android, WP8. ## Installation Install this plugin simply by: `cordova plugin add cz.blocshop.socketsforcordova` or you can use GIT repository for most recent version: `cordova plugin add` ## Sample usage Here is simple example of how to connect to remote server, consume data from it and close the connection. Create instance of Socket type: ``` var socket = new Socket(); ``` Set data consumer, error and close handlers: ``` socket.onData = function(data) { // invoked after new batch of data is received (typed array of bytes Uint8Array) }; socket.onError = function(errorMessage) { // invoked after error occurs during connection }; socket.onClose = function(hasError) { // invoked after connection close }; ``` Connect to server, with port 1234: ``` "", 1234, function() { // invoked after successful opening of socket }, function(errorMessage) { // invoked after unsuccessful opening of socket }); ``` Send "Hello world" to server: ``` var dataString = "Hello world"; var data = new Uint8Array(dataString.length); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = dataString.charCodeAt(i); } socket.write(data); ``` Close the connection gracefully by sending FIN to server: ``` socket.shutdownWrite(); ``` or close the connection immediately: ``` socket.close(); ``` ## API ### Event handlers #### `onData: (data: Uint8Array) => void` Invoked after new batch of data is received by the client. Data are represented as typed array of bytes (`Uint8Array`). #### `onClose: (hasError: boolean) => void` Invoked after connection close. Native resources are released after this handler is invoked. Parameter `hasError` indicates whether connection was closed as a result of some error. #### `onError: (message: string) => void` Invoked when some error occurs during connection. ### Properties #### `state: Socket.State` Represents state of the socket. It can have three values represented by `Socket.State` enum: `Socket.State.CLOSED`, `Socket.State.OPENING` or `Socket.State.OPENED`. Initial state of socket is CLOSED. After open is called, it switches to OPENING. If it is successfuly opened, it goes to OPENED state. If opening fails, it goes back to CLOSE. When socket is closed (by the server or by calling close method), it goes to CLOSED as well. ### Methods #### `open(host, port, onSuccess?, onError?): void` Establishes connection with the remote host. | parameter | type | description | | ----------- |-----------------------------|--------------| | `host` | `string` | Remote host/ip address | | `port` | `number` | Tcp port number | | `onSuccess` | `() => void` | Success callback - called after successfull connection to the remote host. (optional)| | `onError` | `(message: string) => void` | Error callback - called when some error occurs during connecting to the remote host. (optional)| #### `write(data, onSuccess?, onError?): void` Sends data to remote host. | parameter | type | description | | ----------- |-----------------------------|--------------| | `data` | `Uint8Array` | Typed array of bytes, that will be written to output stream. | | `onSuccess` | `() => void` | Success callback - called after data are successfully written to the output stream. (optional)| | `onError` | `(message: string) => void` | Error callback - called when some error occurs during writing of data to the output stream. (optional)| #### `shutdownWrite(onSuccess?, onError?): void` Sends `FIN` to remote host and finishes data sending. You cannot call `write` method after you call `shutdownWrite`, otherwise `onError` callback (of `write` method) will be called. | parameter | type | description | | ----------- |-----------------------------|--------------| | `onSuccess` | `() => void` | Success callback - called after sending of data is finished. (optional)| | `onError` | `(message: string) => void` | Error callback - called when some error occurs during this procedure. (optional)| #### `close(onSuccess?, onError?): void` Closes the connection. `onClose` event handler is called when connection is successfuly closed. | parameter | type | description | | ----------- |-----------------------------|--------------| | `onSuccess` | `() => void` | Success callback, called after connection is successfully closed. `onClose` event handler is called before that callback. (optional)| | `onError` | `(message: string) => void` | Error callback, called when some error occurs during this procedure. (optional)|