372 lines
10 KiB
372 lines
10 KiB
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-green; icon-glyph: angle-double-right;
// iOS 桌面组件脚本 @「小件件」
// 开发说明:请从 Widget 类开始编写,注释请勿修改
// https://x.im3x.cn
// 添加require,是为了vscode中可以正确引入包,以获得自动补全等功能
if (typeof require === 'undefined') require = importModule
const { Base } = require("./「小件件」开发环境")
// @组件代码开始
class Widget extends Base {
constructor (arg) {
this.logo = "https://www.v2ex.com/static/img/icon_rayps_64.png"
this.name = "V2EX"
this.desc = "创意工作者们的社区"
// 请求数据接口列表(收集整理中)
this.API = [
// api
id: 'latest',
name: '最新'
}, {
id: 'hot',
name: '最热'
// tab
id: 'all',
name: '全部'
}, {
id: 'hot',
name: '最热'
}, {
id: 'tech',
name: '技术'
}, {
id: 'creative',
name: '创意'
}, {
id: 'playplay',
name: '好玩'
}, {
id: 'apple',
name: 'Apple'
}, {
id: 'jobs',
name: '酷工作'
}, {
id: 'deals',
name: '交易'
}, {
id: 'city',
name: '城市'
}, {
id: 'qna',
name: '问与答'
// go
// 当前设置的存储key(提示:可通过桌面设置不同参数,来保存多个设置)
let _md5 = this.md5(module.filename)
this.CACHE_KEY = `cache_${_md5}`
// 获取设置
// 格式:type@name,比如 go@create、api@hot、tab@all
this.SETTINGS = this.settings['node'] || 'tab@all'
// 注册操作菜单
this.registerAction("节点设置", this.actionSettings)
// 渲染组件
async render () {
// 加载节点列表
await this._loadNodes()
const data = await this.getData()
if (this.widgetFamily === 'medium') {
return await this.renderMedium(data)
} else if (this.widgetFamily === 'large') {
return await this.renderLarge(data)
} else {
return await this.renderSmall(data)
async renderSmall (data) {
let w = new ListWidget()
let topic = data[0]
w.url = this.actionUrl('open-url', topic['url'])
w = await this.renderHeader(w, this.logo, this.name + ' / ' + this.SETTINGS.split('@')[0], Color.white())
let content = w.addText(topic['title'])
content.font = Font.lightSystemFont(16)
content.textColor = Color.white()
content.lineLimit = 3
w.backgroundImage = await this.shadowImage(await this.getImageByUrl(topic['member']['avatar_large'].replace('mini', 'large')))
let footer = w.addText(`@${topic['member']['username']} / ${topic['node']['title']}`)
footer.font = Font.lightSystemFont(10)
footer.textColor = Color.white()
footer.textOpacity = 0.5
footer.lineLimit = 1
return w
// 中尺寸组件
async renderMedium (data) {
let w = new ListWidget()
// w.addSpacer(10)
// 设置名称
let tmp = this.SETTINGS.split('@')
let tid = tmp[0] === 'api' ? 0 : (tmp[0] === 'tab' ? 1 : 2)
let current = ''
this.API[tid].map(a => {
if (a['id'] === tmp[1]) current = a['name']
await this.renderHeader(w, this.logo, this.name + ' / ' + current)
let body = w.addStack()
let bodyleft= body.addStack()
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i ++) {
bodyleft = await this.renderCell(bodyleft, data[i])
// body.addSpacer()
w.url = this.actionUrl("settings")
return w
// 大尺寸组件
async renderLarge (data) {
let w = new ListWidget()
// w.addSpacer(10)
// 设置名称
let tmp = this.SETTINGS.split('@')
let tid = tmp[0] === 'api' ? 0 : (tmp[0] === 'tab' ? 1 : 2)
let current = ''
this.API[tid].map(a => {
if (a['id'] === tmp[1]) current = a['name']
await this.renderHeader(w, this.logo, this.name + ' / ' + current)
let body = w.addStack()
let bodyleft= body.addStack()
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i ++) {
bodyleft = await this.renderCell(bodyleft, data[i])
// body.addSpacer()
// w.addSpacer()
w.url = this.actionUrl("settings")
return w
async renderCell (widget, topic) {
let body = widget.addStack()
body.url = this.actionUrl('open-url', topic['url'])
let left = body.addStack()
let avatar = left.addImage(await this.getImageByUrl(topic['member']['avatar_large'].replace('mini', 'large')))
avatar.imageSize = new Size(35, 35)
avatar.cornerRadius = 5
let right = body.addStack()
let content = right.addText(topic['title'])
content.font = Font.lightSystemFont(14)
content.lineLimit = 1
let info = right.addText(`@${topic['member']['username']} / ${topic['node']['title']}`)
info.font = Font.lightSystemFont(10)
info.textOpacity = 0.6
info.lineLimit = 2
return widget
async getData () {
// 解析设置,判断类型,获取对应数据
const tmp = this.SETTINGS.split('@')
switch (tmp[0]) {
case 'tab':
return await this.getDataForTab(tmp[1])
case 'go':
return await this.getDataForGo(tmp[1])
case 'api':
return await this.getDataForApi(tmp[1])
* 获取首页tab数据
* @param {string} tab tab首页名称
async getDataForTab (tab = 'all') {
let url = `https://www.v2ex.com/?tab=${tab}`
let html = await this.fetchAPI(url, false)
// 解析html
let tmp = html.split(`<div id="Wrapper">`)[1].split(`<div class="inner" style="text-align: right;">`)[0]
let arr = tmp.split('<div class="cell item">')
let datas = []
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++) {
let t = arr[i]
let title = t.split(`class="topic-link">`)[1].split('</a')[0]
let avatar = t.split(`<img src="`)[1].split('"')[0]
let node = t.split(`<a class="node"`)[1].split('</a>')[0].split('>')[1]
let user = t.split(`<a class="node" href="`)[1].split('</strong>')[0].split('<strong>')[1].split('>')[1].split('</')[0]
let link = t.split(`<span class="item_title">`)[1].split('class="')[0].split('"')[1]
url: `https://www.v2ex.com${link}`,
member: {
username: user,
'avatar_large': avatar
node: {
title: node
return datas
async getDataForApi (api) {
return await this.httpGet(`https://www.v2ex.com/api/topics/${api}.json`)
* 加载数据
* 节点列表
async getDataForGo (arg = 'create') {
let url = `https://www.v2ex.com/go/${arg}`
let html = await this.fetchAPI(url, false)
// 解析html
let tmp = html.split(`<div id="Wrapper">`)[1].split(`<div class="sidebar_units">`)[0]
let arr = tmp.split(`<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">`)
let node_title = html.split('<title>')[1].split('</')[0]
let datas = []
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++) {
let t = arr[i]
let title = t.split(`class="topic-link">`)[1].split('</a')[0]
let avatar = t.split(`<img src="`)[1].split('"')[0]
let user = t.split(`class="small fade"><strong>`)[1].split('</')[0]
let link = t.split(`<span class="item_title"><a href="`)[1].split('"')[0]
url: `https://www.v2ex.com${link}`,
member: {
username: user,
'avatar_large': avatar
node: {
title: node_title
return datas
// http.get
async fetchAPI (api, json = true) {
let data = null
try {
let req = new Request(api)
req.headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1 Edg/85.0.4183.102'
data = await (json ? req.loadJSON() : req.loadString())
} catch (e) {}
// 判断数据是否为空(加载失败)
if (!data) {
// 判断是否有缓存
if (Keychain.contains(this.CACHE_KEY)) {
let cache = Keychain.get(this.CACHE_KEY)
return json ? JSON.parse(cache) : cache
} else {
// 刷新
return null
// 存储缓存
Keychain.set(this.CACHE_KEY, json ? JSON.stringify(data) : data)
return data
// 加载节点列表
async _loadNodes () {
let s2 = await this.httpGet("https://www.v2ex.com/api/nodes/s2.json")
// 排序,通过topic
let nodes = s2.sort((a,b) => b['topics']-a['topics'])
this.API[2] = nodes.map(n => ({
id: n['id'],
name: n['text'],
topic: n['topic']
return this.API[2]
async actionOpenUrl (url) {
Safari.openInApp(url, false)
async actionSettings () {
const tmp = this.SETTINGS.split('@')
const a = new Alert()
a.title = "内容设置"
a.message = "设置组件展示的内容来自哪里"
a.addAction((tmp[0]==='api'?'✅ ':'')+"API接口")
a.addAction((tmp[0]==='tab'?'✅ ':'')+"首页目录")
a.addAction((tmp[0]==='go'?'✅ ':'')+"指定节点")
const i = await a.presentSheet()
if (i === -1) return
const table = new UITable()
// 如果是节点,则先远程获取
if (i === 2 && this.API[2].length === 0) {
await this._loadNodes()
this.API[i].map(t => {
const r = new UITableRow()
r.addText((tmp[1]===t.id?'✅ ':'')+t['name'])
r.onSelect = (n) => {
// 保存设置
let _t = 'api';
_t = i === 1 ? 'tab' : _t;
_t = i === 2 ? 'go' : _t;
let v = `${_t}@${t['id']}`
this.SETTINGS = v
this.settings['node'] = v
// @组件代码结束
const { Testing } = require("./「小件件」开发环境")
await Testing(Widget)