| ``hide-delay`` | `number` | `tooltip.hideDelays` | Time (in milliseconds) to wait before hiding the popover after the close trigger is triggered. Can be used to prevent the popover being immediately closed after pointer leaves the `target` element and before it enters the popover itself. |
| ``overlay-class`` | `string | Array | Object=` | - | See the [`overlay-class`](./overlay#props-overlay-class) prop of the [`Overlay`](./overlay) component. |
| ``overlay-style`` | `string | Array | Object=` | - | See the [`overlay-style`](./overlay#props-overlay-style) prop of the [`Overlay`](./overlay) component. |
Denotes the target element of the popover. Used with [Popper.js](https://popper.js.org/)-style placement syntax, see [`Popper.placements`](https://popper.js.org/popper-documentation.html#Popper.placements).
The event that triggers the toggle of the popover. Can take valid values for `v-outside` directive's `trigger` parameter, and can use <code>`${open}-${close}`</code> syntax to specify different trigger event for showing/hiding the popover. When specified as `custom`, `v-outside` will not be leveraged to automatically toggle the popover.
eg. `click` denotes showing the popover after clicking the `target` and hiding it after clicking outside. `hover-mousedown` denotes showing the popover after hovering the `target`, and hiding it after clicking outside.