| ``desc`` | `string` | - | The description of the column head. |
| ``filter-value`` | `*` | - | [^filter-value] |
| ``filter-multiple`` | `boolean=` | `false` | Whether the built-in filter is multi-select or not. |
| ``filter-options`` | `Array<Object>` | - | The list of filter options, with items of type `{label, value, options, disabled, ...}`, see the [`options`](./select#options) prop of the [`Select`](./select) component. |
| ``filter-title`` | `string=` | - | The title of the filter dropdown. |
| ``tooltip`` | `boolean | ((item: Object) => string)` | - | Whether to automatically show tooltips when content overflows. The tooltip displays the field corresponding to the [`field`](#props-field) prop of the [`data`](. /table#props-data) prop of `Table` component the current column belongs to. When being a function, the `item` argument is the entire data item and the returned string will be displayed as tooltip content. |
`Column` does not handle sorting itself. It only emits a [`sort`](./table#events-sort) event on `Table` when the sorter is clicked so users need handle sorting themselves.
A function that defines how cells should span across rows/columns. The type is `function(index: number): { row: number, col: number }`, where `index` being the index of current row inside the [`data`](./table#props-data) prop of the parent `Table`. The `row` / `col` of the return value correspond to table cell's `rowspan` / `colspan` attribut, with a default value of `1`.
The content of the table cell. Displays the property value corresponds to the [`field`](#props-field) prop in table's [`data`](./table#props-data) prop.
The content of cells in a sub row. Sub row data comes from the `children` array inside the row data in `Table`s [`data`](./table#props-data) prop. The number of sub rows are determined by the length of the `children` array and the sub rows share the same column configuration with the table.