Use the [`page-sizes`](#props-page-sizes) prop to specify the page size options.
[[ demo src="/demo/pagination/pages.vue" ]]
### Optional parts
Use the [`show-total`](#props-show-total) / [`show-page-size`](#props-show-page-size) / [`show-goto`](#props-show-goto) props to control the visibility of the total items / page size selector / goto page parts.
The page path template. The type is the same as the [`to`](./link#props-to) prop of [`Link`](./link) component. When being `string`, the `:page` placeholder will be replaced with the actual page number. When being `Object`, the value will be resolved to string first and be go through the same placeholder replacement process.
| ``pagesizechange`` | Triggered when page size is changed. The callback parameter list is `(size: number)`, with `size` being the new page size value. |
| ``redirect`` | Triggered when page links are activated. The callback parameter list is `(page: number, event: Object)`. `page` is the number of the targe page. `event` is the native event object, calling `event.preventDefault` will stop navigation when `native` is `true`. |