| ``type`` | `string` | `'bar'` | The type of the progress. Available values are `bar` / `circular`, denoting progress bar and progress circle respectively. |
| ``desc`` | `boolean` | `false` | The description of the progress. |
| ``value`` | `number` | `0` | Progress value. |
| ``min`` | `number` | `0` | Minimum value. |
| ``max`` | `number` | `1` | Max value. |
| ``decimal-place`` | `number` | `0` | Decimal place for the progress value. |
| ``status`` | `string` | - | [^status] |
| ``autosucceed`` | `boolean | number` | - | Whether automatically enter the `success` status when the progress reaches the maximum value. `true` denotes entering immediately, while `number` values denotes the delay in milliseconds before entering the `success` status. |
| ``indeterminate`` | `boolean` | `false` | Whether the progress is indeterminate. Currently only works when `type` is `bar`. |