| ``data`` | `Array<Object>` | - | Table data in rows. |
| ``key-field`` | `string` | - | Denotes the unique key of the table data. The value should be a key defined in the data object of each row. The corresponding field will be regarded as the [`key` attribute](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html#key) for each row element. When `selectable` is `true`, it also indicates the rows of which column should be selected from (and in this occasion the value should be defined as the [`field`](./column#props-field) prop for one of the children `Column` components). |
| ``selectable`` | `boolean` | `false` | Whether the rows are selectable. |
| ``select-mode`` | `string` | `'multiple'` | The mode of row selection. Available values are `single` / `multiple`, which denote single selection and multiple selection respectively. |
| ``order`` | `string | boolean` | `false` | The order for sorting the specified column. `false` denotes no specific order, while string values of `'asc'` / `'desc'` denote ascending/descending order respectively. |
| ``order-by`` | `string` | - | The column which is currently sorted by. The value should be defined as the [`field`](./column#props-field) prop for one of the children `Column` components. |
| ``scroll`` | `number` | - | The maximun height of the scrollable area inside the table body. When table content exceeds the specified height, internal scroll will be enabled and the head/foot will become fixed. |
| ``loading`` | `boolean` | `false` | Whether table data is being loaded. |
The value(s) of selected rows. When [`select-mode`](#props-select-mode) is `'multiple'`, the value is an array of values keyed by the [`key-field` p](#props-key-field)rop from the row data . When [`select-mode`](#props-select-mode) is `'single'`, the value is such key value of the selected row.
The content of the expanded sub-row. Will span across all columns and override the [`sub-row`](./column#slots-sub-row) slot of the `Column` components inside the table.
The slot scope properties are the same as each item inside [`data`](#props-data), with an extra `index: number`, which denotes the index within the datasource.
| `item` | `Object` | The item in the [`data`](#props-data) prop that is being selected/unselected. When it involves row span for the `key-field` mapped column, the data of the first related row is returned. |
| `selectedItems` | `Object<string, Object | Array>` | All selected items as an object. The key is [`key-field`](#props-key-field) mapped value for the selected row and the value is the row data. When it involves row span for the `key-field` mapped column, returns an array of row data of all related rows. |
| `field` | `string` | Which column to be sort by. The value should be defined as the [`field`](./column#props-field) prop for one of the children `Column` components. |
| `order` | `string | boolean` | Same as the [`order`](#props-order) prop. |