| ``keys`` | `string | function=` | `'value'` | The customized unique key for `datasource` items. String values can be used to specify which field value is used. Also a function can bu used to specify a customized key value. |
The datasource of the transfer. The type of node item is `{label, value, children, ...}`.
| Name | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| `label` | `string` | The descriptive label of each item. |
| `value` | `string` | The value of each item. |
| `children` | `Array<Object>=` | The child items of each item. The item type is the same as `datasource` items. |
The filter function. The function signature is `function(from, keyword, item, index, datasource): boolean`. Items that make filter function returns `false` will be hidden.
| `from` | `string` | The source of search. Available values are `'candidate'` / `'selected'`. `'candidate'` means search is triggered from the candidate panel, `'selected'` means from the selected panel. |
Merge strategy for selected values. When all child nodes under a node are selected, you can choose to keep only the parent node, only the child nodes, or both.
+++Enumerated values
| Value | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `keep-all` | The parent and child nodes will both be in the selected value. |
| `upwards` | Merge selected values as far as possible in the ancestor direction. |
| `downwards` | Merge selected values in the direction of descendants if possible. |
| ``candidate-title`` | The title text of the candidate panel. Shares the same scope properties with slot `candidate-head`. |
| ``selected-title`` | The title text of the selected panel. Shares the same scope properties with slot `selected-head`. |
| ``candidate-no-data`` | The content displayed when there's no data inside the candidate panel. |
| ``selected-no-data`` | The content displayed when there's no data inside the selected panel. |
| ``candidate-item`` | [^candidate-item] |
| ``selected-item`` | [^selected-item] |
| ``candidate-item-label`` | Label text of each item inside the candidate panel. Shares the same scope properties with slot `candidate-item`. |
| ``selected-item-label`` | Label text of each item inside the selected panel. Shares the same scope properties with slot `selected-item` when `selected-show-mode` is `'tree'`. Otherwise this slot specifies custom content for any item along the path for all selected leaf item and shares the same scope properties with slot `candidate-item`. |
The content of each item inside the candidate panel.
+++Scope properties
| Name | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| `label` | `string` | The descriptive label of current item. |
| `value` | `string` | The value of current item. |
| `children` | `Array<Object>=` | The array of the child items of each item. Shares the same type with `datasource` items. |
| `index` | `number` | The index of current item among its siblings. |
| `depth` | `number` | The depth of current item in the tree structure. |
The content of each item inside the selected panel.
+++Scope properties
The scope properties will be the same as slot `candidate-item` when `selected-show-mode` is `'tree'`. They'll be as follows when `selected-show-mode` is `'flat'`.
| Name | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| `items` | `Array<Object>` | All ancestor items from the top level down to current item. Shares the same item type with `datasource` items. |
| `index` | `number` | The index of current item among its siblings. |
| ``select`` | Triggered when user changes selection. The callback parameter list is `(selected: Array<string>)` and `selected` is the array of `value` properties of selected items.