<template> <article> <section class="col"> <h4>Multiple dates</h4> <veui-calendar v-model="dates" multiple /> <section>Selected: {{ readableDates }}</section> </section> <section class="col"> <h4>Date ranges</h4> <veui-calendar v-model="range" range /> <section>Selected: {{ readableRange }}</section> </section> </article> </template> <script> import { Calendar } from 'veui' export default { components: { 'veui-calendar': Calendar }, data () { return { dates: null, range: null } }, computed: { readableDates () { if (!this.dates || !this.dates.length) { return 'Nothing.' } return this.toReadable(this.dates).join(', ') }, readableRange () { if (!this.range) { return 'Nothing.' } return this.toReadable(this.range).join(' to ') } }, methods: { toReadable (dates) { return dates.map(date => date.toLocaleDateString(this.$i18n.locale)) } } } </script> <style lang="less" scoped> article { overflow: hidden; } .col { float: left; width: 340px; margin-right: 20px; } h4 { margin-top: 0; } </style> <docs> 支持 `v-model`,选择多个单日时数据类型为 `Array<Date>`,选择日期范围时数据类型为 `[Date, Date]`。 </docs> <docs locale="en-US"> Supports `v-model`, with value type being `Array<Date>` when selecting multiple dates, being `[Date, Date]` when selecting a date range. </docs>