'use strict' var trim = require('trim-trailing-lines') module.exports = customBlock var C_NEWLINE = '\n' var C_TAB = '\t' var C_SPACE = ' ' var C_COLON = ':' var MIN_FENCE_COUNT = 3 var CODE_INDENT_COUNT = 4 function customBlock (eat, value, silent) { var self = this var length = value.length + 1 var index = 0 var subvalue = '' var fenceCount var marker var character var flag var queue var content var exdentedContent var closing var exdentedClosing var indent var now /* Eat initial spacing. */ while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (character !== C_SPACE && character !== C_TAB) { break } subvalue += character index++ } indent = index /* Eat the fence. */ character = value.charAt(index) if (character !== C_COLON) { return } index++ marker = character fenceCount = 1 subvalue += character while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (character !== marker) { break } subvalue += character fenceCount++ index++ } if (fenceCount < MIN_FENCE_COUNT) { return } /* Eat spacing before flag. */ while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (character !== C_SPACE && character !== C_TAB) { break } subvalue += character index++ } /* Eat flag. */ flag = '' queue = '' while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (character === C_NEWLINE || character === C_COLON) { break } if (character === C_SPACE || character === C_TAB) { queue += character } else { flag += queue + character queue = '' } index++ } character = value.charAt(index) if (character && character !== C_NEWLINE) { return } if (silent) { return true } now = eat.now() now.column += subvalue.length now.offset += subvalue.length subvalue += flag flag = self.decode.raw(self.unescape(flag), now) if (queue) { subvalue += queue } queue = '' closing = '' exdentedClosing = '' content = '' exdentedContent = '' /* Eat content. */ while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) content += closing exdentedContent += exdentedClosing closing = '' exdentedClosing = '' if (character !== C_NEWLINE) { content += character exdentedClosing += character index++ continue } /* Add the newline to `subvalue` if its the first * character. Otherwise, add it to the `closing` * queue. */ if (content) { closing += character exdentedClosing += character } else { subvalue += character } queue = '' index++ while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (character !== C_SPACE) { break } queue += character index++ } closing += queue exdentedClosing += queue.slice(indent) if (queue.length >= CODE_INDENT_COUNT) { continue } queue = '' while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (character !== marker) { break } queue += character index++ } closing += queue exdentedClosing += queue if (queue.length < fenceCount) { continue } queue = '' while (index < length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (character !== C_SPACE && character !== C_TAB) { break } closing += character exdentedClosing += character index++ } if (!character || character === C_NEWLINE) { break } } subvalue += content + closing return eat(subvalue)({ type: 'customblock', className: (flag || '').trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' '), value: trim(exdentedContent) }) }