# @antfu/eslint-config [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@antfu/eslint-config?color=444&label=)](https://npmjs.com/package/@antfu/eslint-config) [![code style](https://antfu.me/badge-code-style.svg)](https://github.com/antfu/eslint-config) - Single quotes, no semi - Auto fix for formatting (aimed to be used standalone **without** Prettier) - Designed to work with TypeScript, Vue out-of-box - Lint also for json, yaml, markdown - Sorted imports, dangling commas - Reasonable defaults, best practices, only one-line of config - **Style principle**: Minimal for reading, stable for diff ## Usage ### Install ```bash pnpm add -D eslint @antfu/eslint-config ``` ### Config `.eslintrc` ```json { "extends": "@antfu" } ``` > You don't need `.eslintignore` normally as it has been provided by the preset. ### Add script for package.json For example: ```json { "scripts": { "lint": "eslint .", "lint:fix": "eslint . --fix" } } ``` ### VS Code support (auto fix) Install [VS Code ESLint extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint) Add the following settings to your `settings.json`: ```jsonc { "prettier.enable": false, "editor.formatOnSave": false, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": true, "source.organizeImports": false }, // The following is optional. // It's better to put under project setting `.vscode/settings.json` // to avoid conflicts with working with different eslint configs // that does not support all formats. "eslint.validate": [ "javascript", "javascriptreact", "typescript", "typescriptreact", "vue", "html", "markdown", "json", "jsonc", "yaml" ] } ``` ### TypeScript Aware Rules Type aware rules are enabled when a `tsconfig.eslint.json` is found in the project root, which will introduce some stricter rules into your project. If you want to enable it while have no `tsconfig.eslint.json` in the project root, you can change tsconfig name by modifying `ESLINT_TSCONFIG` env. ```js // .eslintrc.js process.env.ESLINT_TSCONFIG = 'tsconfig.json' module.exports = { extends: '@antfu' } ``` ### Lint Staged If you want to apply lint and auto-fix before every commit, you can add the following to your `package.json`: ```json { "simple-git-hooks": { "pre-commit": "pnpm lint-staged" }, "lint-staged": { "*": "eslint --fix" } } ``` and then ```bash npm i -D lint-staged simple-git-hooks ``` ## Badge If you enjoy this code style, and would like to mention it in your project, here is the badge you can use: ```md [![code style](https://antfu.me/badge-code-style.svg)](https://github.com/antfu/eslint-config) ``` [![code style](https://antfu.me/badge-code-style.svg)](https://github.com/antfu/eslint-config) ## FAQ ### Prettier? [Why I don't use Prettier](https://antfu.me/posts/why-not-prettier) ### How to lint CSS? This config does NOT lint CSS. I personally use [UnoCSS](https://github.com/unocss/unocss) so I don't write CSS. If you still prefer CSS, you can use [stylelint](https://stylelint.io/) for CSS linting. ### I prefer XXX... Sure, you can override the rules in your `.eslintrc` file. ```jsonc { "extends": "@antfu", "rules": { // your rules... } } ``` Or you can always fork this repo and make your own. ## Check Also - [antfu/dotfiles](https://github.com/antfu/dotfiles) - My dotfiles - [antfu/vscode-settings](https://github.com/antfu/vscode-settings) - My VS Code settings - [antfu/ts-starter](https://github.com/antfu/ts-starter) - My starter template for TypeScript library - [antfu/vitesse](https://github.com/antfu/vitesse) - My starter template for Vue & Vite app ## License [MIT](./LICENSE) License © 2019-PRESENT [Anthony Fu](https://github.com/antfu)