2022-05-26 11:13:00 +08:00

6.3 KiB



Stylistic variants

Available stylistic values for the ui prop: strong.

Size variants

Available size values for the ui prop: xs / s / m / l.

Read-only and disabled

Suggestion list



Name Type Default Description
ui string= - [^ui]
value string - [^value]
disabled boolean= false Whether the search box is disabled.
readonly boolean= false Whether the search box is read-only.
placeholder string - The placeholder text of the search box.
autofocus boolean false Whether the search box gains focus automatically.
clearable boolean false Whether the clear button is displayed.
select-on-focus boolean false Whether to select all content upon focus.
composition boolean false Whether the search box triggers value change upon composition of IME.
suggestions `Array Array -
replace-on-select boolean true Whether to replace the content with suggestion item value when it's selected.
maxlength number= - The maximum length of characters that can be entered.
get-length function(string): number= - Used to customize length calculation of the input.
strict boolean= false Whether to disallow further input after reaching the maximum character length.
trim `boolean string=` false
suggest-trigger `Array string` input
expanded boolean= false [^expanded]
match `(item, keyword, { ancestors }) => boolean Array<[number, number]>` -
filter (item, keyword, { ancestors, offsets }) => boolean - Used to customize search hitting logic. See Autocomplete.

^^^ui Style variants.

+++Enum values

Value Description
strong Strong style.
xs Extra small.
s Small.
m Medium.
l Large.
xl Extra large.

^^^value :::badges v-model :::

The value of the search box. ^^^

^^^suggestions The suggestion list. When the item type is Object, the properties will be {label, value}.


Name Type Description
label string The text of the suggestion option.
value string The value of the suggestion option.

^^^suggest-trigger Specifies when the suggestion list is displayed. Can be either an event name or a list of event names.

+++Enum values

Value Description
focus When the search box is focused.
input When the input triggers input event.
submit When the submit button is activated.

^^^expanded :::badges .sync :::

Whether the suggestion list is expanded (if there are no items in suggestions, the list won't be expanded even the value is false). ^^^

^^^trim Wether to trim the input value. If set to true, the input value will be trimmed from both ends. If set to false, the input value will not be trimmed. If set to a string, the input value will be trimmed from the specified side.


Value Description
both Trim from both ends. Equivalent to true.
start Trim from the start.
end Trim from the end.


Name Description
suggestions [^slot-suggestions]
suggestions-before The content before the suggestion list.
suggestions-after The content after the suggestion list.
suggestion [^slot-suggestion]

^^^slot-suggestions The content of the entire suggestion list.

+++Slot props

Name Type Description
suggestions Array<{value: string, label: string}> The normalized suggestions from the suggestions prop.
select function(suggestion: {value: string, label: string}): void Select the specified suggestion.

^^^slot-suggestion The content of each suggestion option.

+++Slot props

Name Type Description
label string The text label of the suggestion option.
value string The value of the suggestion option.

Additionally, custom properties apart from the listed ones will also be passes into the slot props object via v-bind.

When suggestions is an Array<string>, the label and value of the suggestion option will share the same string value. +++ ^^^


Name Description
input [^event-input]
suggest [^event-suggest]
select [^event-select]
search [^event-search]
toggle Triggered when the expanded state is going to change. The callback parameter list is (expanded: boolean). expanded denotes whether the suggestion list is to be expanded or collapsed.

^^^event-input Triggers when the input value changes. The callback parameter list is (value: string).


Name Type Description
value string The value of the input.

^^^event-suggest Triggers when the suggestion list is displayed. The callback parameter list is (value: string).


Name Type Description
value string The value of the input.

^^^event-select Triggered when an suggestion option is selected. The callback parameter list is (item: Object).


Name Type Description
item {label: string, value: string=, ...} The suggestion option.

^^^event-search Triggered when the input value is submitted. The callback parameter list is (value: string, event: Event).


Name Type Description
value string The value of the input.
event Event The native click event object.


Name Description
search Search.