
2.1 KiB



Size variants

Go to a specific page

Use the goto prop to enable the go to page section.



Name Type Default Description
ui string= - [^ui]
page number 1 Current page index (starts from 1).
total number - Total page count.
to `string Object` ''
native boolean false Use native links for navigation.
page-size number pagination.pageSize [^page-size]
page-sizes Array pagination.pageSizes The predefined available page sizes for users to select.
goto boolean false Whether to show “goto page number” section.

^^^ui Style variants.

+++Enum values

Value Description
xs Extra small.
s Small.
m Medium.

^^^to The page path template. The type is the same as the to prop of Link component. When being string, the :page placeholder will be replaced with the actual page number. When being Object, the value will be resolved to string first and be go through the same placeholder replacement process. ^^^

^^^page-size :::badges .sync :::

The count of item in each page. ^^^


Name Description
pagesizechange Triggered when page-size is changed. The callback parameter list is (size: number), with size being the new page-size value.
redirect Triggered when page links are activated. The callback parameter list is (page: number, event: Object). page is the number of the targe page. event is the native event object, calling event.preventDefault will stop navigation when native is true.


Key Type Default Description
pagination.pageSize number 30 The count of item in each page.
pagination.pageSizes Array<number> [30, 50, 100] The predefined available page sizes for users to select.