
2.9 KiB


:::tip Breadcrumb can be used with embedded BreadcrumbItem. :::


Stylistic variants

Available style variants for the ui prop: strong.

Size variants

Available size variants for the ui prop: s / m.

Using inline BreadcrumbItems

Can be used with embedded BreadcrumbItems.

Using datasource

Can be used with the routes prop as well.

Customizable separators

Separators can be customized.

Events mode

Handling redirect event instead of redirect with router.



Name Type Default Description
ui string= - [^ui]
routes Array<Object> [] [^routes]

^^^ui Style variants.

+++Enum values

Value Description
s Small.
m Medium.

^^^routes The datasource for breadcrumb items. The type of items is {label: string, type: string, to: string | Object=, native: boolean=}. Properties apart from label can be referred to the props of BreadcrumbItem component.

:::warning The last item will always be displayed as plain text by default. ::: ^^^


Name Description
default The items of the breadcrumb. Can only have BreadcrumbItem components as direct children. The routes prop will be ignored when this slot is specified.
item [^slot-item]
separator [^slot-separator]

^^^slot-item The content of each breadcrumb item. Default to the label properties of each item within routes, or the default slot content of BreadcrumbItem components.

+++Scope properties

Name Type Description
route Object The item in routes. Custom properties will also be passes into the scope object.

^^^slot-separator Separator between adjacent breadcrumb items. Displays a globally configured icon by default.

:::warning When using Vue.js version 2.5.17 and below, it's required to bind a slot-scope. ::: ^^^^


Name Description
redirect [^redirect]


Triggered when clicking the item with type value link. The callback parameter list is (event, route, index).


Name Type Description
event Event Native click event object.
route Object The corresponding route item in routes.
index number The index of the clicked item.