
4.8 KiB



Size variants

Available size variants for the ui prop: s / m.

Item click behavior

Customize content



Name Type Default Description
ui string= - [^ui]
datasource Array<Object> [] [^datasource]
expanded Array [] [^expanded]
checkable boolean false Whether the rows are checkable.
checked Array [] [^checked]
selectable boolean false Whether the nodes are selectable.
selected string - [^selected]
merge-checked string keep-all [^merge-checked]

^^^ui Style variants.

+++Enum values

Value Description
s Small tree.
m Medium tree.

^^^datasource The datasource of the tree. The type of node item is {label, value, children, ...}.


Name Type Description
label string The descriptive label of each node.
value string The value of each node.
children Array<Object>= The child nodes of each node. The item type is the same as datasource items.

^^^expanded :::badges .sync :::

An array consists of the value from datasource items that denotes the expanded nodes. ^^^

^^^checked :::badges v-model :::

An array consists of the value from datasource items that denotes the checked nodes. ^^^

^^^selected :::badges .sync :::

An array consists of the value from datasource items that denotes the selected nodes. ^^^


Merge strategy for selected values. When all child nodes under a node are selected, you can choose to keep only the parent node, only the child nodes, or both.

+++Enumerated values

Value Description
keep-all The parent and child nodes will both be in the selected value.
upwards Merge selected values as far as possible in the ancestor direction.
downwards Merge selected values in the direction of descendants if possible.


Name Description
item [^item]
item-label The label of each node. Shares the same scope properties with the item slot.
item-before The area before the label of each node. Shares the same scope properties with the item slot.
item-after The area after the label of each node. Shares the same scope properties with the item slot.

^^^item The content of each entire node.

+++Scope properties

Name Type Description
label string The descriptive label of current node.
value string The value of current node.
children Array<Object>= The array of the child nodes of each node. Shares the same type with datasource items.
index number The index value of current node among its siblings.
depth number The depth of current node.

Additionally, custom properties apart from the listed ones will also be passes into the scope object via v-bind. ^^^


Name Description
click [^click]
expand [^expand]
collapse [^collapse]

^^^click Triggered when the node is clicked. The callback parameter list is (item, parents, index, depth).


Name Type Description
item Object The node item. Shares the same type with datasource items.
parents Array<Object> All ancestor nodes from the top level down to the clicked node. Shares the same item type with datasource items.
index number The index of the clicked node among its siblings.
depth number The depth of the clicked node in the tree.

^^^expand Triggered when the node is expanded. The callback parameter list is (item, index, depth).


Name Type Description
item Object The node item. Shares the same type with datasource items.
index number The index of the expanded node among its siblings.
depth number The depth of the expanded node in the tree.

^^^collapse Triggered when the node is collapsed. The callback parameter list is (item, index, depth).


Name Type Description
item Object The node item. Shares the same type with datasource items.
index number The index of the collapsed node among its siblings.
depth number The depth of the collapsed node in the tree.


Name Description
expand Click to expand (currently being collapsed).
collapse Click to collapse (currently being expanded).