2022-02-01 15:33:20 +08:00

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Sizes and fullscreen

Available size/dimension variants for the ui prop: s / m / narrow / medium / wide / auto.

Modal and non-modal

Customized content

Async support


Stacking order



Name Type Default Description
ui string= - [^ui]
modal boolean= true Whether to display a backdrop to block interactions with the content underneath. Modal dialogs preempt focus by default (will return focus when closed).
title string= - The title of the dialog. Will be ignored if title slot is specified.
open boolean= false [^open]
closable boolean= true Whether to display a close button at the top right corner.
outside-closable boolean= false Wether to close the dialog when user click outside.
draggable boolean= false Whether the dialog is draggable.
escapable boolean= false Whether to allow closing the dialog after pressing esc. Only works when closable is set to true.
inline boolean= false Whether the dialog is displayed inline thus takes up space.
footless boolean= false Whether to hide the default footer.
loading boolean= false Wehter the dialog is in loading state. When loading, the OK button will enter loading state as well and become unclickable.
disabled boolean= false Wehter the dialog is disabled. When disabled, the OK button will be disabled as well and become unclickable.
ok-label string= - The text content of the “OK” button.
cancel-label string= - The text content of the “Cancel” button.
priority number= - The stacking priority of the dialog overlay. See the priority prop of Overlay component.
before-close `function(string): boolean= Promise<boolean=>` -
overlay-class `string Object=` -
overlay-style `string Array Object=`

^^^ui Style variants.

+++Enum values

Value Description
s Small sized content (not the dimension of the dialog itself).
m Medium sized content (not the dimension of the dialog itself).
narrow Narrow width.
medium Medium width.
wide Wide width.
fullscreen Fullscreen dialogs.
auto Auto-fit dialogs.

^^^open :::badges .sync :::

Whether the dialog is open. ^^^

^^^before-close Executed when user interaction is about to trigger closing the dialog. The type is function(type: string): boolean=|Promise<boolean=>, where type being the action type of the closing behavior. Available values by default are 'ok'/'cancel'. The return value can be a boolean or a Promise that resolves a boolean value, to handle the situation that an async process is responsible for deciding whether to close the dialog. Will keep the dialog open when returning false or the Promise resolves with false.

+++Code example

<veui-dialog :open.sync="dialogOpen" :before-close="submit">...</veui-dialog>
methods: {
  submit (type) {
    if (type === 'ok') {
      return'/item/create', {/* ... */})
        .then(({ id, error }) => {
          if (error) {
            return false // resolving `false` will keep the dialog open
    // resolving non-`false` value will close the dialog
  // ...

+++ ^^^


Name Description
default The content of the dialog.
title The title of the dialog. Will ignore the title prop if this slot is specified.
foot [^slot-foot]

^^^slot-foot The foot of the dialog. Displays “OK” and “Cancel” buttons by default.

+++Slot props

Name Type Description
close function(type: string): void The callback to trigger closing the dialog. type is the action type and will be passed into before-close hook as the first argument. And an event named after type will be triggered synchronously.


Name Description
ok Triggered after the “OK” button is clicked or the dialog is closed with the slot scope function call close('ok').
cancel Triggered after the “Cancel” button or the close button is clicked, or esc is pressed, or the dialog is closed with the slot scope function call close('cancel').
<value> Triggered when the dialog is closed with the slot scope function call close(value).
afteropen Triggered after the dialog is opened. The dialog content won't be rendered until after the dialog is opened, so if there is logic that depends on content rendering, please execute it after this event is triggered.
afterclose Triggered after the dialog is closed. If leave transition is provided by theme, then afterclose will be triggered when the transition finishes.


Name Description
close Close.