2022-05-26 11:13:00 +08:00

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Size variants

Available size variants for the ui prop: xs / s / m / l.

Read-only state

Use the readonly prop to set an input to read-only state.

Disabled state

Use the disabled prop to set an input to disabled state.



Name Type Default Description
ui string= - [^ui]
value string '' [^value]
disabled boolean= false Whether the input is disabled.
readonly boolean= false Whether the input is read-only.
type string= 'text' [^type]
placeholder string= - The placeholder text of the input.
clearable boolean= false Whether to show a clear button.
composition boolean= false Whether the input process should be aware of composition.
select-on-focus boolean= false Whether to select text content when focused.
maxlength number= - The maximum length of characters that can be entered.
get-length function(string): number= Used to customize length calculation of the input.
strict boolean= false Whether to disallow further input after reaching the maximum character length.
trim `boolean string=` false

^^^ui Style variants.

+++Enum values

Value Description
xs Extra small.
s Small.
m Medium.
l Large.

^^^value :::badges v-model :::

The value of the input. ^^^

^^^type The type of the input. See the type attribute of HTML's native <input> element.


Value Description
text Plain text input.
password Password input.
hidden Hidden input but holds a value to submit.

^^^trim Wether to trim the input value. If set to true, the input value will be trimmed from both ends. If set to false, the input value will not be trimmed. If set to a string, the input value will be trimmed from the specified side.


Value Description
both Trim from both ends. Equivalent to true.
start Trim from the start.
end Trim from the end.


Name Description
before The content before the input area inside the component.
after The content after the input area inside the component.

:::warning Slots will squeeze the width of the input area. :::


Name Description
change [^event-change]
input [^event-input]

^^^event-change Triggered when the input value is changed like the native change event. The callback parameter list is (value, event).


Name Type Description
value string The value of the input.
event Event Native change event object.

^^^event-input :::badges v-model :::

Triggered when inputting into the input. Affected by the composition prop. The callback parameter list is (value: string), where value is the current value of the input. ^^^

Additionally, Input exposes the following native events:

auxclick, click, contextmenu, dblclick, mousedown, mouseenter, mouseleave, mousemove, mouseover, mouseout, mouseup, select, wheel, keydown, keypress, keyup, focus, blur, focusin, focusout.

The callback parameter is the corresponding native event object for all events above.


Name Description
remove Remove button.