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# Input
## Demos
### Size variants
Available size variants for the [`ui`](#props-ui) prop: `xs` / `s` / `m` / `l`.
[[ demo src="/demo/input/size.vue" ]]
### Read-only state
Use the [`readonly`](#props-readonly) prop to set an input to read-only state.
[[ demo src="/demo/input/readonly.vue" ]]
### Disabled state
Use the [`disabled`](#props-disabled) prop to set an input to disabled state.
[[ demo src="/demo/input/disabled.vue" ]]
## API
### Props
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| -- | -- | -- | -- |
| ``ui`` | `string=` | - | [^ui] |
| ``value`` | `string` | '' | [^value] |
| ``disabled`` | `boolean=` | `false` | Whether the input is disabled. |
| ``readonly`` | `boolean=` | `false` | Whether the input is read-only. |
| ``type`` | `string=` | `'text'` | [^type] |
| ``placeholder`` | `string=` | - | The placeholder text of the input. |
| ``clearable`` | `boolean=` | `false` | Whether to show a clear button. |
| ``composition`` | `boolean=` | `false` | Whether the input process should be aware of composition. |
| ``select-on-focus`` | `boolean=` | `false` | Whether to select text content when focused. |
| ``maxlength`` | `number=` | - | The maximum length of characters that can be entered. |
| ``get-length`` | `function(string): number=` | Used to customize length calculation of the input. |
| ``strict`` | `boolean=` | `false` | Whether to disallow further input after reaching the maximum character length. |
| ``trim`` | `boolean | string=` | `false` | [^trim] |
Style variants.
+++Enum values
| Value | Description |
| -- | -- |
| `xs` | Extra small. |
| `s` | Small. |
| `m` | Medium. |
| `l` | Large. |
The value of the input.
The type of the input. See the [`type`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input#attr-type) attribute of HTML's native `<input>` element.
| Value | Description |
| -- | -- |
| `text` | Plain text input. |
| `password` | Password input. |
| `hidden` | Hidden input but holds a value to submit. |
Wether to trim the input value. If set to `true`, the input value will be trimmed from both ends. If set to `false`, the input value will not be trimmed. If set to a string, the input value will be trimmed from the specified side.
| Value | Description |
| -- | -- |
| `both` | Trim from both ends. Equivalent to `true`. |
| `start` | Trim from the start. |
| `end` | Trim from the end. |
### Slots
| Name | Description |
| -- | -- |
| ``before`` | The content before the input area inside the component. |
| ``after`` | The content after the input area inside the component. |
Slots will squeeze the width of the input area.
### Events
| Name | Description |
| -- | -- |
| ``change`` | [^event-change] |
| ``input`` | [^event-input] |
Triggered when the input value is changed like the native `change` event. The callback parameter list is `(value, event)`.
| Name | Type | Description |
| -- | -- | -- |
| `value` | `string` | The value of the input. |
| `event` | [`Event`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/change) | Native change event object. |
Triggered when inputting into the input. Affected by the [`composition`](#props-composition) prop. The callback parameter list is `(value: string)`, where `value` is the current value of the input.
Additionally, `Input` exposes the following native events:
`auxclick`, `click`, `contextmenu`, `dblclick`, `mousedown`, `mouseenter`, `mouseleave`, `mousemove`, `mouseover`, `mouseout`, `mouseup`, `select`, `wheel`, `keydown`, `keypress`, `keyup`, `focus`, `blur`, `focusin`, `focusout`.
The callback parameter is the corresponding native event object for all events above.
### Icons
| Name | Description |
| -- | -- |
| ``remove`` | Remove button. |